[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh loSmaH Hut: nuH bey

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 31 13:57:55 PDT 2012

>>> I found a model of a Klingon disruptor pistol at
>>> http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/purpleelaphants/images/beH1.jpg
>>> http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/purpleelaphants/images/beH2.jpg
>>> http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/purpleelaphants/images/beH3.jpg

>> They're calling it a beH. Is it sort of midway between a beH
>> and a HIch?

'anan naHQun:
> It's mine, and it is most certainly a beH. I don't have a
> ruler on me, but it is certainly over 1 'uj in length.
> I also have a HIch, and the trigger is also pressed by the thumb.

Any pictures of that online?
>>> The last image clearly shows a rectangular blue trigger {chu'wI'}
>>> button on the handle {qengwI' naQ} (?) right below the decorated
>>> rivet {veragh}.

>> That's a rivet?
> I've never thought of it as a rivet before, but after staring at it
> for a while, I could see it as being one.

I hesitated before calling it a {veragh} as well, but decided it probably was since it was decorated with the {tlhIngan wo' Degh}:

KGT 80:  The part of a weapon with ornamentation, such as the handle ({ret'aq}) of a knife, is usually decorated by means of carving. Even modern weaponry, such as a disrupter pistol ({nISwI' HIch}) or disrupter rifle ({nISwI' bej} [sic]), is decorated. For example, typically the head of any rivet ({veragh}) used has a raised image of some kind, often that of a Klingon warrior's head. Sometimes extra ornamentation, carved of a different material, is attached. This would typically be the case with a family crest ({tuq Degh}).

If it hadn't been, I'd have thought it was just the butt end of the chamber.  (Hmm... Can you still call that part of a gun the "chamber" if it's an energy weapon?)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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