[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh cha'maH jav: tojbogh to'

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Jul 8 21:20:01 PDT 2012

Are you saying you use a character other than the 
apostrophe, or you select a font that has a straight apostrophe?

At 21:31 '?????' 7/8/2012, you wrote:
>Speaking of fonty type things, another 
>restriction I use is to make sure that the 
>apostrophe is vertical and straight and not 
>slanted or curved. I use slanted and/or curved 
>single quotes only in pairs to surround certain things.Â
>lay'tel SIvten
>On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Qov 
><<mailto:robyn at flyingstart.ca>robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
>I've switched over to these kinds of quotation 
>marks: «majQa'» Do they cause anyone any 
>problems? Â They should look like a little 
>nested version of << >>. I haven't quite worked 
>out the punctuation rules for them yet. The 
>French leave whitespace between the guillemets 
>(I called them guillemots before, but I looked 
>it up and that's a sort of auk) and the 
>punctuation, but most other languages that use 
>guillemets don't. Some of them use them 
>backwards, pointing towards rather than 
>enclosing the quoted text! In my experience 
>Russian doesn't usually use quotation marks at 
>all, just massive dashes. What do they do in 
>your language and do you think it's compatible 
>with Klingon? Anything is better than the 
>English style. This Wikipedia article has an 
>interesting list: 
>(Curiously I'm in good company getting the 
>punctuation mixed up with the bird: I think it's 
>because <mot> means word, so there's an association there).
>While I'm at it, what's your favourite font for 
>Klingon? Â Times New Roman? Â Garamond? Courier New?
>And it's time someone programmed a simple 
>Klingon spelling/grammar checker for Open 
>Office. It shouldn't be too hard to do.
>vajar and crew are being guided through an 
>interdeck access tunnel by Qoreq, in order to ambush some qImyal-loyal troops.
>CONTENT: Corpses, but no gore.
>tojbogh to'
>yev Qoreq. jatlh, «jonwI' jolpa' bIngDaq 
>maHtaH. manarghDI' neghvetlh 'emDaq Sajol.»
>«majQa'», jatlh vajar. neghvetlh lujeyta'DI' 
>jonwI' choQ lujonmeH lotlhwI'pu' He rap 
>lughoSlaH.[268] lo'laH lojmIt ngaQHa'moH Qoreq 
>'ej pa' bejmeH loQ poSmoH. HurDaq be' ghogh Qoy 
>vajar. poSchoHchu' lojmIt 'ej Qoreq 'uchchoH vay' 'ej 'ochvo' luHchoH.
>«Qoreq! chay'?» jatlh be'. 'och wovmoH Sech 
>tIH 'ej lIS'eghpu'DI' vajar mInDu', qaH'eng legh. ochvo' yongHa' ghom.
>Quchbe'law' Qoreq. jatlh, «qatlh jolpa'Daq SoHtaH?»
>jatlh qaH'eng, «chay' naDev SuSaH tlhIH? 
>bangwI'!» Hota'ro' 'uchchoH qaH'eng.
>«SIbI' maQolnIS», jatlh vajar. may' to'chaj 
>QIj. Hung jIH lIS qaH'eng. veQ lI' ngaSbogh choQ 
>cha' HaSta, 'ach pa' SuvtaHbe' tlhachmey. 
>rInlaw' may'. lommeyvo' beHmey, nIch[266] je 
>boSlI' vajar lopno' jaHbe'pu'bogh tlhIngan negh 
>law''e'. va. tlhoy paS rep. ghIq Hung HaStaDaq 
>QaS ra'wI' legh vajar. Doqqu' wa' mIn 'ej 
>Sachpu' Dechbogh DIr. veDDIr tuQtaH. vajar 
>lopno'Daq 'avwI' lujonta'bogh ghaH. mangghom 
>ghIrta'. ja'chuq ghaH ya 'ay' Sogh je. QamtaH je 
>lopno' mebpu', joqwI' qembogh loD je. may'vetlhvaD Qapta' quv.
>jatlh qaH'eng «SaghochlI' 'ej meH 
>boghoSlaw'lI'. bangwI', bIvIHbe'choHlaw'DI' pa' 
>vIHotlh. pa'vetlhDaq lommey neH lutu'lu'.» 
>tojbogh to' Del Hota'ro'. Qapta'mo' to' bel 
>vajar. tojlI' je qaH'eng. qImyal QaS matlh 
>botmeH lojmItmey ngaQmoHtaH. ghu' yajbe'meH meH, 
>QumwI' pat muntaH. Hung pat luSorghlaw'ta'mo' je 
>lotlhwI'pu', Dat leghlaHbe' qaH'eng 'ach 
>Qaplaw'lI' lotlhwI'pu'. patmey Sorghta' lotlhwI' 
>neH 'e' Har ngaH. patmeyDaj QIH 'e' ngIlmo' vay' 
>qejqu' ngaH. Sengmey tI'meH pa' pImDaq vumlI' 
>ngaH. tI'lI' je qaH'eng 'e' Har ngaH. jatlh 
>qaH'eng, «Qoreq, vajar lopno' DajaH DaneHDI' 
>loQ chomer 'ej DaH DatoDta'. qanoHHa'pu', SuvwI'!»
>tlho' lajqangbe' Qoreq. jatlh, «DujvaD Qu' vIta'taH.»
>jatlh vajar, «qaH'eng, QapmeH QuD, jonwI' choQ wISeHnIS. pIQIH wIneHbe' ...»
>SKI: qaH'eng has also been running deceptions in this game.
>[266] True, disruptor power packs may not 
>strictly be ammunition, but it's functionally 
>equivalent, and I don't like saying rIHHa'lu' all the time.
>[268] vajar was going to make a joke here, but 
>as I appreciate the audience participation, I'll 
>leave it to you to make. Puns aren't really his 
>thing. I think he'd be more of a Larry, Curly 
>and Moe fan. He's really taken with that exploding head thing.
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