[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh cha'maH Hut: tlhe'moHlu'DI' 'uymoH

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri Jul 6 18:50:47 PDT 2012

vajar is chained up in a cell, undergoing interrogation by General qImyal.

Content: some physical effects of torture are 
considered. I don't think it will turn anyone's stomach.

229: tlhe'moHlu'DI' 'uymoH

jatlh qImyal, «vajar HoD, DaHjaj bIQIp. QuD 
DachermeH DaQuSta' 'e' vItoblaHmo' DaH DuQantaHbe' patlhlIj.»

jatlh vajar, «vImaghlu'.»

jatlh qImyal, «Damaghlu'bej. pa'vamDaq SIbI' 
Dumagh naQjej yoH qochlI'. 'utbe' 'oy'. qama' 
SuDvo' De' DanIHlI' 'e' bej.» wejpuH. vajar 
qeHlaw'mo' yaH qochDaj buD[325], vajar pummeH 
neplaw'ta'. jatlh qImyal, «pum 'olta' naQjej yoH 
HoDlI'. 'oy' law' SIQpu' jatlhpa'.»

tlhoy'Daq joy'wI' luch leghlaH vajar. HochHom 
ghov vajar. joy'wI' ghaHbe'mo' not lo'pu' 'ach 
'avwI' ghaHtaHvIS rut joy'wI' luch Say'nISmoHpu'. 
bIHvo' 'Iw, DIr, Hom 'ay'mey je teqpu'.

jatlh qImyal, «wo' Datoy'qang'a'?»

«reH!» jatlh vajar. «'ach not--»

«HIqaghQo'», jatlh qImyal, «reH wo' Datoy'meH 
bIvang 'e' vISov.» QamchoH qImyal 'ej tlhoy'vo' 
luch wIv. legh vajar 'e' chaw' qImyal, ghopDajDaq tlhe'taHvIS.

jan nap 'oH. toch bID tIn law' 'oH tIn puS. cha' 
Donbogh baS naQmey beQ rar cha' tlhe'laHbogh 
veraghmey. taghDI', baS naQmey chev vagh vatlhvI' 
'uj. naQmey jojDaq SIQwI' nItlh lan joy'wI'. 
veragh lutlhe'lu'DI' Duvmo' veragh, baS naQmey 
cholchuqmoH. cholchuqtaHvIS naQmey, nItlhDaq 'uy. 
'oy'qu'moH. HomDu' ghorlaH.[275]

vajarvaD jatlh qImyal, «wejmaH wej ben De' pegh 
QumnIS vay'. DaboQpu'. wo' Datoy' 'e' DaHar. 
maghwI' ghaH 'e' DatlhojDI' bItuHchoHba'. jIyaj. 
DapeghtaHvIS wo' Datoy' 'e' DaHar. qaStaHvIS 
wejmaH wej DISmey Dapeghchu'taH. DaH DachIDchugh 
quvlIj Damagh 'e' DaHaj. qaboQlaH.»

jan nuD qImyal Sa' jatlhtaHvIS. veraghmey 
tlhe'taH. QeymoHtaHvIS 'uychuq naQmey. 
QeyHa'moHDI' poSchoH naQmey. nIbbogh jan cha'DIch 
wIv Sa' 'ej nuD je. nablI' vajar. tlhIblaw' 
nuHmeyDaj nge'ta'bogh 'avwI''e'. tlhuHtaHvIS 
vajar, yIvbeHDajDaq taj So'lu'bogh HotlaH. vajar 
nItlhDu' naw'meH qImyal, vajar DeSDu' 
tlhabnISmoH. ngaQHa'moHDI' taj SIchlaH vajar. 
qImyal HoHlaH pawlaHpa' 'avwI'. chollI' qImyal. 
vajar paSlogh teqchoH. Hu'tegh. yaD joy'laH je janvetlh.
SKI: As qImyal makes it clear that this 
interrogation will involve non-verbal means 
coercion, vajar formulates a plan of escape.
[325] In what I believe was the second 'ay' of 
the whole story, vajar was looking at old records 
from when he was a guard on a support ship, and 
discovered that his work partner had ratted him 
out for something he didn't do. That person. I 
really didn't expect you to remember him (or 
her?) that this far on. vajar got a promotion out 
of it, because the ensuing investigation showed 
him to be doing an especially good job.
[275] Yes, I know rivets aren't threaded. But you 
figured it out, didn't you? I think I did pretty well, considering.

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