[Tlhingan-hol] ramDaq jIQongbe’

Gaerfindel gaerfindel at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 12 15:01:45 PST 2012

jIghItlhpu' quljIb, jIjatlh:

Okay, so with all the extra help, advice, and vocabulary(!), here's what
I've got:
    qaStaHvIS ram jItlhovtaH 'ej jItlhuHHa'taH.

jang jaSwa', jatlh:
    I could be wrong, but wouldn't ram jIQongbe' be sufficient? I was 
under the impression that -Daq is locative and tends to be attached to
    tangible objects, but simply putting ram at the beginning 
automatically sets the sentence at night. jaSwa' Hochlogh bechjaj Hoch 

jIjang, jIjatlh:
    ghobe'.  I meant to emphasize the fact that my breathing was 
interrupted.  {jIQongbe'} means "I can't sleep", which could be for 
*any* reason.


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