[Tlhingan-hol] veS paq ('ay' 1)

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 11:27:07 PST 2012

These are the opening paragraphs of a book, restored to the original

nuq ‘oH veS’e’?

ngIq veS ‘ay’Homna’ wInuD, ghIq ngIq ‘ay’Daj ghIv’Daj ghap wInuD, tagha’
Dol qoD Qatlh je DIqel; ‘e’ wInab. vaj napwI’vo’ QatlhwI’Daq maDuv.

‘ach DaH mataghDI’ loQ veS Dol wInuDnISqu’, ‘ay’ wInuDtaHvIS reH ‘ay’vetlh
Dol je rarmeH mIw wIbuSnIStaHmo’.

veS lungu’meH qonwI’pu’, motlh jatbogh mu’mey lo’. mu’meyvetlh DIbuSHa’.
veS’e’ wI’uchtaHvIS, Hay’ cha’ qabDu’ ‘e’ wIqel. cha’ qabDu’
Hay’qu’lI’ghach neH ‘oH veS’e’. boqchuq may’mey law’; chen wa’ noH. ‘e’
wIyajchu’ wIneHchugh cha’ ghobchuq SuvwI’ DIqel. lob ghol pe’vIl 'e' raD
ngIq; ghIq ghol tapqu' ngIq ‘ej ‘omqa’laHbe’wI’ mojmoH.

vaj nulob gholma’ ‘e’ raDmeH rallI’ghach ‘oH veS’e’...

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