[Tlhingan-hol] Hov veSmey

David Trimboli david at trimboli.name
Tue Dec 4 06:55:08 PST 2012

On 12/4/2012 8:24 AM, Felix Malmenbeck wrote:

> I think {Hov veS} works as a translation of "Star Wars", because the
> franchise covers a huge span of eras; the title may refer to the
> individual battles, but it may also refer to the perpetual state of
> warfare as a whole.

Originally it did not; it covered the "current" generation of Luke and 
Han, and talked about the previous generation of Anakin and Obi-Wan. 
There is a current Rebellion, and there was once a conflict, or series 
of conflicts, known as the Clone Wars. {Hov noHmey} seems like the 
original intention; {Hov veS} sounds like a back-fitting Phantom 

> As for clone... Yeah, that's a difficult one. {puq nIb} would make
> some sense. I might also think of a clone as some sort of {nuv
> velqa''a'}: A "greater replica of a person".

This doesn't make any sense if you don't explain your reasoning first.

Merriam-Webster gives two main senses to the noun "clone." The first is 
the idea of a biological clone; the second is a thing that is a copy of 
another thing.

{velqa'} comes to us from Klingon Monopoly, where it refers to {Qang naQ 
velqa'} "Chancellor's cane replica." This seems to be the second sense 
of the MW definition.

We may be allowed to let the second definition cover the first as well. 
{velqa'} might be able to refer to a replica of a living thing, hence a 
"clone." If so, then {velqa' noHmey} is all you need for "Clone Wars."


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