[Tlhingan-hol] Hov veSmey

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Tue Dec 4 05:24:19 PST 2012

Note on the word {veS}:

{veS} refers to warfare as a concept, as opposed to any individual battle(s).
So, when you write {veSmey}, you're actually referring to multiple concepts of warfare: Perhaps one is military warfare, another is psychological warfare, a third is curse warfare, etc.
So, for example, when Azetbur said {notlh veS}, she was not saying "Some particular war(s) is/are obsolete."; she was saying "War - as a concept - is obsolete."

I think {Hov veS} works as a translation of "Star Wars", because the franchise covers a huge span of eras; the title may refer to the individual battles, but it may also refer to the perpetual state of warfare as a whole.

For "The Clone Wars", however, that strikes me as referring to a particular set of wars, so I'd recommend {noH} or {noHmey}.
Also consider {may'}, referring to some individual battle(s).

As for clone...
Yeah, that's a difficult one. {puq nIb} would make some sense.
I might also think of a clone as some sort of {nuv velqa''a'}: A "greater replica of a person".
So, maybe {velqa''a' noH} could refer to the Clone Wars?

As for episode: "jabbI'ID" makes sense to me; it was used for an issue of a magazine (tlhIngan jabbI'ID le' - "Special Klingon Issue"), so it could work for "episode", too. If you feel the need to clarify, you might also consider {HaSta jabbI'ID}.

From: Gaerfindel [gaerfindel at hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 13:48
To: tlhingan-hol at stodi.digitalkingdom.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Hov veSmey

jIghItlh; jatlh:
 >>muDuQ SIla' loDnI' veSmey jabbI'IDmey. chorghmaH wa'DIch jabbI'ID

ghunchu'wI' jang:
 >>jIyajbe'. Mirror brother warfare? 81st transmission? yIQIj.

We have words for "brother" {loDnI'} and "sister" {be'nI'} but not
"(identical) twin."  Since they mirror each other in appearance--and not
unoften, behaviour--I thought {SIla' loDnI'} might be a workable (if
imperfect) circumlocution for twin (brother).  It's as close as I could
come to "clone" without specific vocabulary.

As for the "81st transmission", has the list specific terminology for
television seasons/episodes?


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