[Tlhingan-hol] mIl'oD veDDIr SuvwI': 'ay' cha' - 10. reH tay' ghot, tuqDaj je

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Aug 19 22:53:48 PDT 2012

On 2012-08-19, at 23:29, Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh <qeslagh at hotmail.com> wrote:

> jatlhpu' Qov:
> > tlhoS 'ay' Hut vIpojta' 'ach wej vIlab. De'wI'wIjDaq tu'lu'. DaH De'wI'vetlh vInaw'laHbe' 'ach poH vIghaj. 
> qay'be' - bIpojmeH poH DaghajtaHvIS motlh jIQongtaH jIH!

DaH jIQongnIS jIH 'ach bom vIqel 'e' vImaS ...

> taH:
> > meQtaHmo' ngem Qu'maj bot tlhIch, vaj mapuvbe'.
> Do'Ha'.

loQ Do'. jIleSlaH. 

> jIH:
> > Hoch nuv; 'ItchoH Hoch. jatlh 'op: «lughchu' 'utlhma'.» jatlh 'op: «Qu'vatlh! »
> Qov:
> > muHaghmoH. jottaHvIS 'utlh naD 'op, mu'qaDmey jatlhtaHvIS latlhpu'. ( 'a vIyaj). 
> Hochlogh Hoch nuv belmoHlaHbe' vay'. :)


> Qov:
> > 'avwI' DaDI' mangghom ra'wI' chaq Qagh. 'avwI' Qu' Sovqu' 'avwI'. 'ach SeQ Qu'vam 'ej voDleH 'utlh quvmoH 'avwI' patlh. 
> chaq Qagh. But Rustaveli goes to excruciating lengths to make it clear how awesome Avtandil is at pretty much everything. Presumably guarding is another thing he can do, apart from ride horses and be hot and skewer defenceless animals at a hundred paces.

I wonder who instructed him in the many arts he knows. And I wonder if tIna'tIn has had any instruction. And I've really been on the road a little long. 

> jIH:
> > tagha' 'IQtaH vavDaj 'e' Qoy tIna'tIn, vaj QamchoH 'ej vavDaj lojmIt chol. 'avwI'
> Qov:
> > 'avwI' motlh ghaHbe'. 'avtanDIl ghaH. 'avtaHbe''a' 'avtanDIl?
> As you realise in the next couple of lines, 'avtanDIl is inside, with another guard outside. On rereading it's really not clear from the outset though so I've added a bit to clarify.


> Qov:
> > toH lojmIt wa'DIch 'av 'avwI' motlh 'ej lojmIt cha'DIch 'av 'avtanDIl.
> 'e' vIqelbe'. HurDaq 'av 'avwI' motlh 'ej qoDDaq 'av 'avtanDIl 'e' vIQub. 'ach cha' lojmIt lutu'lu'chugh, qay'be'; ram.

rambe'. qoDDaq 'avtanDIl tu'lu'chug vaj qatlh tIna'tIn leghbe' roStevan? SaQtaH 'ach QIpbe'. 

> jIH:
> > qaStaH jaj. tugh tlhob roStevan 'utlh, jatlh: «nuq ta'taH puqbe'wI', belwI' naghbochwI' je, yInwIj rachwI'?»[1]
> Qov:
> > How she isn't spoiled rotten I don't know.
> Heh. How does one raise a princess to NOT be spoiled?

Responsibility. And after all if everyone agreed so readily that she was ready to be king, she must have had opportunity to demonstrate her leadership. 

> (poD vay')
> jIH:
> > belwIj Haw'moHta'bogh wanI' qaja'.›»
> > Qoy tIna'tIn, vaj QamchoH ghaH 'ej vavDaj jaH.
> Qov:
> > It's sweet, the respect among that family is something the common man can strive for, more than the wanton slaughter of game and luxurious parties.
> I think that's part of why the poem's so popular in Georgia. It's about these high-falutin' types but they still display values worthy of emulating.

I can see that. 

> jIH:
> > jang 'utlh. «'o puqwI',» jatlh, «'IQqu'mo' ghu'vam jI'It, 'ach qaleghmo' 'ej bIyInmo' SoH jIbelchu'. pay' nom jI'IQHa'choHchu'pu'; 'IQbe'moHmeH Hergh DaDachu'. muDuQpu'bogh wanI' qaja'pu'DI', mubechmoHbogh ghu' bep je DayajchoH 'e' vIHar.»
> Qov:
> > joSmey 'Ijbe'law' tIna'tIn. Heghpu'bogh toy'wI'pu' qorDu'mo' jupmo' je tugh wanI'vetlh Sov Hoch 'e' vIpIH. 
> chaq toy'wI'pu'vaD wej jatlhpu' tIna'tIn. HoSghajchugh nugh qutluch palth, chuQun toy'wI'pu' je luchevqu'lu'; chaq naDev qaS je.

waqmeyDaj'e' tuQmoH'a' tIna'tIn? I figured they'd be as ubiquitous as furniture. 

> > Hogh veb pa'wIjl DaDab, qar'a'?
> qarbej, cholajqangtaHchugh. qay'be'taH, qar'a'?


> bIpawDI', mapawlaw'pu'qu' ghunchu'wI' jIH je, vaj mebpa'meyDaq pIlegh!

pa'vaD ponglIj vIjatlhpu' 'e' vIHar. vI'ol. 

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