[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh SochmaH: vajar SoQ

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Mon Apr 23 08:12:46 PDT 2012

If you didn't heed the warning on 166, read it and then regretted it, 
I want to assure you that the story isn't continuing down that path. 
While part of my intention with this saga was to show that there is 
nowhere tlhIngan Hol cannot go, there is no reason for it to dwell in 
an unpleasant place. There are a few 'ay'mey covering how the 
incident has affected Hota'ro' since, tying it to its place in the 
story, and I hope you'll think, "ah, so THAT'S why she did that!" a 
few times, and forgive me. There are more battles to fight, stories 
to tell and alcoholic beverages to consume.
lutwIj lotmey DIqelmeH, maja'chuq jIH loDnalwI' je:

Him: Can there be more happy ponies in your story?
Me: Is that a request?
Him: No, you'd only torture them, anyway.
Me: Well, yeah, I guess the Klingons would eat them. But I could kill 
them humanely.
vajar, ghutar and Hota'ro' have just beamed down to gharben loS, and 
Hota'ro' is ashamed of her loss of self-discipline which her captain witnessed.
170: vajar SoQ

jatlh Hota'ro', "jIquvHa''eghmoHpu'."

DaH QaHlaH vajar. jatlh, "may' law' vISIQpu', Sogh. bechtaH SuvwI' 
law' 'e' vIbej. QaptaHchugh Hugh, taghDu' je, jach. quvHa'moHbe' 
SuvwI'. wIch 'oH SIQlaHchu'bogh SuvwI''e'. DupIlmoHjaj qechvetlh, 
'ach Dachavchu'be'DI' yItuHQo'. 'oy'mo' jIjachpu' 'ej 'oy'mo' 
jIjachqa'. HeghtaHvIS SuvwI' qatlh majach? Dapojpu''a'? jach 
HeghlI'bogh SuvwI' 'e' wISo'meH majach. not chID vay' 'ach teH. nuch 
SoHbe'bej." wa'vatlhlogh ghuv tuHvaD SoQvetlh ja'pu' vajar. chutmey 
nap pab batlh 'e' luHar QupwI'pu'. nuH rurbe' quv. qaStaHvIS may' 
nge'laHbe' jagh nIv. bong quv chIllaHbe' vay'. jatlh, "qImyal Sa''e' 
quvHa'qu'moH tavetlh. bItoy'taHvIS batlh yIvang 'ej wanI'vetlh yIlIj."

"DalIjlaH'a' SoH, qaH?" jatlh Hota'ro'. "DaH choleghDI' reH Daqaw. 
bIquv SIbI' net Sov. Dutoy' quvHa'wI' DaneHbe'. bIquvHa'be' bIjatlh 
'a chovoqnISDI' meHvetlhDaq jIqoy' 'e' Daqaw 'ej latlh yaS Davoq. 
jIpuj 'e' DaSovmo' not chovoqchu'. vISov, HoD. jIvoq'eghqu'qa'laHchu'be'."

jatlh vajar, "bIyoHqu' reH 'e' vIqaw. DaH yaS wa'DIchwI' SoHtaH 'ej 
ropyaHDaq jIHtaHvIS HoD DagheS. qavoq 'e' tobbe''a'?"

jangbe'bej Hota'ro', jatlh "Duj vItoy' 'e' vInID. ghopDap mIch vIghoS 
'e' ra'qa'DI' Sa', nI'moHmeH begh tI'meH poH, SeHlaw vIngaQmoHta'. 
ghaytan begh chu'qa'laHta' jonwI'pu', ngoq SamlaHpa' Sa'. vISovbe'. 
jISaHbe'. ropyaH vIghoSmeH muDor gharon, latlh je."

gharon'e' qaw vajar. pupta'DI' Hota'ro', <Hegh vIqotlh> jatlhpu'. vaj 
gharon ghaH wa' HIvwI''e'. wanI' buStaH Hota'ro' neHbe' vajar, ach 
nuqjatlh? jatlh, "nIDor'a' nIHIvta'bogh loDpu' jay'?"

jatlh Hota'ro', "HIja'. jIreghtaH 'ej jIyItlaHqu'be'. chobDaq mulon 
luneHbe'. muQorghtaHvIS Qel, <HaqwI' le' DapoQ> jatlh. waw' ropyaHDaq 
muQay 'ach Qaghlaw'pu'. pa' HaqwI' vIpoQbe' net jatlh. 
jIvumrupchoHDI' mejpu' may'Duj. chaq mutob Sa' 'ej jIlujmo' mulon. 
latlh DujDaq vItoy'choH 'ach SeHlawwIj vIHotDI' ... vIqaw 'ej 
jIjaqHa'choH. jIQublaHchu'be'mo' pIj jIQagh 'ej muvoqbe'choH HoD. 
vIQayqa'lu' jIjaqchu' 'e' vI'Ip. rut jIbachHa' 'ach reH bIjwIj vIlaj."
SKI: vajar gives Hota'ro' his well-used speech to recruits who think 
they have shamed themselves, and learns that he has spoken with one 
of Hota'ro''s attackers.  

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