[Tlhingan-hol] how to use {nej}?

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 28 06:45:01 PST 2011

{nej} "look for, seek, search for" in canon:

  I look for you. KLS

  I am resuming the search. 
  I am searching for him/her again. TKD

  jagh luHoHmeH jagh lunejtaH 
  They are searching for the enemy in order to kill him.
  [In order to kill the enemy, they are searching for the enemy.] TKD

  'avwI' nejDI' narghta'bogh qama' reH 'avwI' Sambej 
  When an escaped prisoner looks for a guard, he always finds one. TKW

{Sam} "locate, seek and find" in canon:

  cheng'e' DaH yISam 
  Find Chang. ST6

  HaqwI''e' DaH yISam 
  Find the SURGEON now! TKD  

  Qel vISamnIS 
  I need to find a doctor. CK

  motlh ray' luSamlaHmeH De' Qatlh cha' tlhIngan Duj jIH'a' 
  The main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with
   a complex target acquisition grid. SP3

  HIq DaSammeH tach yI'el 
  To find ale, go into a bar. TKW

  yIvoq 'ach lojmItmey yISam 
  Trust, but locate the doors. [sic for {tISam}] TKW

  'avwI' nejDI' narghta'bogh qama' reH 'avwI' Sambej 
  When an escaped prisoner looks for a guard, he always finds one. TKW

  romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI' 
  Romulan hunter-killer probe  KCD

  chotwI' DaSamjaj 
  May you find the murderer. KGT

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

> -----Original Message-----
> On 11/28/2011 8:26 AM, Gaerfindel wrote:
> > My instinct is to go with {ngem yInej} for "Search (in) the forest,"
> and
> > {qawHaq nej} for "Search (in) the database." "Search the catalogue
> for
> > the book," I'd render {mem yInej 'ej paq botu'}.
> <Sam> yIlIjQo'.
> The given translation of {nej} is "look for, seek, search for." That
> makes a strong case that the proper object of {nej} is the thing
> searched for, not what you're searching through. {mem yInej} says
> "search for the catalog."
> For most situations, {-Daq} will do. When you're searching a physical
> book, for instance, you really are looking *in* the book. {memDaq paq
> pong yInej} "search for the book's name in the catalog."
> If I saw {-Daq} used with something with an abstract location, like
> information in a databank, I wouldn't think twice about it. Even then
> the thing searched for is actually *inside* something else. {qawHaqDaq
> De' vInej} "I search for the information in the databank."
> Whether {nej} is used to "query" a database is a matter best left to a
> Klingon informant. I wouldn't be surprised if it were; the search
> metaphor is too obvious.
> --
> SuStel
> http://www.trimboli.name/

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