[Tlhingan-hol] Monopoly - New Canon - The Box

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Sat Nov 19 04:42:14 PST 2011

> qay'be'. I just have to wait for round-the-world post on two new big bits
> of canon (the paq'batlh is the other) and anticipation is running high. :)

Speaking of the paq'batlh:
I'm currently transcribing it in order to be able to search it.
I've been considering putting it in a Google Doc and sharing with others who can prove they have a real copy (perhaps by answering some questions about it or sending a picture of themselves with it) so that they too can search it.
An additional benefit of this would be that we could use the comments feature to discuss what tidbits should be revealed to the list (so everyone will have access to the most important revelations, but without us givin away the whole book and cutting too much into the work's potential profits).

What does the list think of this? qech'QaQ? qech'qab?

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