[Tlhingan-hol] Monopoly - New Canon - The Box

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh qeslagh at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 19 04:30:16 PST 2011

ghItlhpu' 'anan naHQun, jatlh:
> 'ar? 

naDev Hoch nuvpu'vaD 'Iq'a' latlh wejmaH jaj? ghorgh veymey Hevta' SepjIjQa'

nganpu'? SepjIjQa' Hevpu'ghach wa'DIch jajvo' jItoghqangchu'.
Would another thirty days be too much? When did US residents begin getting
their sets? I'm fine with counting thirty days from whoever got theirs first.

> (Can 'ar be used like that?) 

Why not? We don't have any canon that I know of for a question word being
able to stand in for a full sentence but I have no problem with it.

> FWIW, I wasn't planning on posting anything besides the box; I was just  
> really excited… 

qay'be'. I just have to wait for round-the-world post on two new big bits
of canon (the paq'batlh is the other) and anticipation is running high. :)

QeS 'utlh

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