[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay chorghmaH jav: <Heghba'lI'>

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Nov 17 11:02:26 PST 2011

>> HQ 10.2:8:  When used with nouns with the locative suffix {-Daq},
>> the finger verbs mean "point (with a specific finger) at or
>> towards" ... For example, while {ghIchwIj vISIq} means "I touch
>> my nose with my index finger" and {ghIchwIjDaq jISIq} means "I
>> point at my nose with my index finger" ...

The rest of the quote from 

HolQeD 10.2:8-9:  ... the phrase {ghIchwIjDaq jISIq'egh} (with {-'egh} "oneself"), literally "I use at myself my index finger at my nose", is used for "I pick my nose with my index finger". Similarly, {nujDajDaq rIl'egh ghu}, literally "at his/her mouth, the baby uses at him/herself his/her thumb", is used for "the baby sucks its thumb".

> It also works with the toe-words too.
> During the qepHom'a' Marc Okrand was watching my eight months old
> daughter and then he suddenly said {nujDajDaq mar'egh ghu}. Guess what
> she was doing :-)

No new canon here, he was just quoting his example from that HolQeD article:

  nujDajDaq mar'egh ghu 
  the baby sucks its big toe. (HQ 10.2)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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