[Tlhingan-hol] [tlhIngan Hol] Cantonese (was:Re: Eurotalk - New Words - Countries)

Gaerfindel gaerfindel at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 17 09:45:39 PST 2011

That's how I came up with the term <veDDIr lung> to mean "ermine; stole; 
or any long, furry animal [mammal] hunted for its pelt."

Here's a little something for fun:

<<law' veDDIr lungmey wam Qorvalth.  ngo'mo' yIvbeH luchenmoH loDnI'nal 
be'nI' je'.  chenmoHmo' lo' veDDIr wov' veDDIr Hurgh.
   Qorvatlh luHemmoH.>>

On 11/17/2011 11:53 AM, Steven Boozer wrote:
> Okrand may have used Cantonese before:
> WRT {lung} *loong* "type of lizardlike animal":  "Perhaps a pun on the Chinese word for dragon? In Mandarin, the word is Romanized as *lung* (Wade-Giles) or *long* (pinyin), and takes the second tone. In Cantonese, it's usually Romanized as *lung* (fourth tone), although it's also the *loon* in Kowloon." (Stephen Carter)
> WRT {yan} "sword":  In Cantonese, *yahn* means "edge of a sword" (lay'tel SIvten)
> --
> Voragh
> Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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