[Tlhingan-hol] O for a Muse of fire

Rohan Fenwick - QeS 'utlh qeslagh at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 16 04:44:53 PST 2011

> I'm still trying to work out the rest, but I can hear cha'wI'pu' 'oSjaj  
> SuvwI'pu''e' in there, presumably translating "Princes to act" in the
> third line of the English version (and if correct, it gives us a canon
> word for "actor").

jang De'vID, jatlh: 
> From my notes, we had that line as: 
> <lut {ja'|cha'}wI'pu' {HoS chaH|'oSjaj} Suv'wI'pu''e'> 

I couldn't quite work out what the first syllable of that line was meant
to be! {lut} is logical and works fine. majQa'.

>  Both "story tellers" or "story show-ers" make sense, though the latter
> works better for "actors".

And since the preceding phone is voiceless it's hard to be totally certain
of it... Having slowed the video down I still can't catch any trace of
voicing in the first syllable of {ja'|cha'}wI'pu', so I still think it's
the latter, and as you say, it works better.

> We thought it might be <'oSjaj> as well, however, the <-'e'> on
> <SuvwI'pu'> led us to guess that there might be a pronoun such as <chaH>
> in there.

True, but from the sense of the original an {-'e'} for emphasis works
fine here too. {-'e'} isn't commonly used outside the copular construction
in canon but it's perfectly good Klingon to do so.

> OTOH we had to explain the "o" sound in "ozhazh".  It might be <HoS>, but

> then I don't think O'Reilly drops <H> elsewhere (though he mispronounces

> it as <S>). 

No, he doesn't. And the final sound of the word is definitely voiced, so
it probably can't be the pronoun {chaH}.  With that eliminated, I think it
has to be {'oSjaj}.

Would you mind sending me a copy of your notes so far? They might shed a
bit of light on other parts. I'll send you mine in return as soon as I
get through the last sentence or two.

QeS 'utlh

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