[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' SochmaH loS: <qaS nuq?>

ghunchu'wI' 'utlh qunchuy at alcaco.net
Tue Nov 8 09:01:26 PST 2011

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 3:01 AM, Qov <robyn at flyingstart.ca> wrote:
> The question is, has this improved my Klingon any?

laDmeH DowIj'e' Dubbej.

qonmeH laHlIj Dub'a'? vI'ollaHbe' jIH, reH QaQqu'pu'mo' QummeH laHlIj.
jIvItnIS: pImchoHbe'law' QaghmeylIj puS.

> qaStaHvIS may', HoD poH volchaH rIQmoH jagh 'ej nIH DeS Hom ghorqa'.

<poS> ghItlhHa'lu'.

> wa'Hu'mo' nItlhDu'
> poSmoHlaHchu'be'taH 'ej SoQmoHlaHchu'be'taH 'ach SenwI' Dop, qanwI' Dop je
> lo'taHvIS meH SeHlaw lo'laH.

<[Doch] lo'taHvIS [latlh] lo'laH.> chaq wot cha'DIch qaq DaSamlaH.

> Hota'ro' tagh DuQpu'chu' jagh, vaj muD
> nIjbe'meH DeghwI' ro, DIrDajDaq mep Hum lulanpu'.

Do we have any helpful examples of how to use {nIj}? I probably
wouldn't have given it an object, but there's no reason for that
beyond a gut feeling. Come to think of it, I don't know why I believe
its subject would be the leaky container instead of the substance that
isn't being contained fully.

> volchaHDu'chaj 'uchtaHvIS meH ghoS 'ungya.

Forgive my introspection here, but I thought this was interesting.
When I encountered this sentence, I was slightly thrown by the {-chaj}
with no antecedent at the beginning of a paragraph, and I slowed down
to read it carefully. I got more confused as I went along until I
reached the very last word, figured out what everything was supposed
to be, and read it again with full knowledge of what all the subjects
and objects were.

I can't start over and read it for the first time, but I did review
the whole thing again just now without being interrupted between
paragraphs, and the {-chaj} reference was obvious. Interestingly,
reading the full sentence "at speed" doesn't give me the same vague
sense of frustration I get when reading it a word at a time. Even now,
knowing exactly what it says, if I read it slowly I feel like I'm
being made to wait longer than I should for the necessary information.
To accommodate less rapid readers, I would suggest putting {'ungya}
before the {meH ghoS} clause.

> quSDaq ba' 'e' luboQ.

Can {boQ} work this way? They're not assisting "he sits in a chair".
They're assisting *him* in order that he sits in a chair. {quSDaq
ba'meH ghaH luboQ}.

> ngugh QongDaqDajDaq Qongchu'taHvIS pay'
> vemmoH 'oy''a'.

'oy''a' neH per. bepmoHbe'law' bepDaj.

> ...'ach yaS wa'DIch HoHmeH, nISwI' beH wIvta'be' qo'larngan.

There's got to be a less controversial way of phrasing things like
this. It's too easy to read it as saying that the invader failed to
choose the weapon, and that he failed with the intent of killing the

> 'a meHvo' rI'DI' ghutar janglaHbe'. wab neH jatlh.

toH, Doy'taHbogh nuv' Qoybe' HoD.  HeghlI'bogh nuv Qoy.

> jaghpu' SammeH, Duj Hotlhta'chugh ghutar, jaS qaSbe'pu'.

<HIvqa' veqlargh.>

-- ghunchu'wI'

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