[Tlhingan-hol] EuroTalk word for "postcard"

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Mon Nov 7 14:23:53 PST 2011

I explained this briefly earlier, but I see I need to expand on it.

wa' jaj mangghom mach luDech jagh. SISqu'. rIQ HochHom. 'oy' 'ej rIQ 
'ej Doy' 'ej reghtaH 'ach tlhIngan tlhIHmo' not jegh. 'ech ghaH 
ra'wI'chaj'e'. taghDI' may' tInpu' mangghom 'ach qu'mo' jagh 'ej 
nIvmo' nuHmeychaj lujlI' mangghom. Heghpu' negh law'. Heghpu' je 
ra'wI' law' 'ach not 'ech DuQpu'mo' naQjej, <'ech let> lupong.

Doghjey pIH jagh ra'wI'. tugh Doghjey poQmeH chol 'e' lupIH. batlh 
HeghrupchoH mangghom. HIvpa' nuHmey jejmoHlI' 'ej yoDmey tI'lI'. 
Suvqu'pu' Hoch negh 'ej Hemqu' 'ech. Heghchugh Hoch mang bommey qon 
pagh 'e' pay. bommey Dun qonlaH be'nI'Daj loDnal. Do'Ha' SaHbe'. 
yavvo' chevpu'bogh DeS woH 'ej Ha'DI'baH teq. HomDaq ghItlhmeH taj lo'.

<naDev SIStaH. bISaHbe' 'e' vIpay. ghaytan tugh maHegh.> ghItlh. roQ 
'ej may' Dun. qu'chu'mo' tlhInganpu' Qav, Haw' jagh.

qaSpu'DI' cha' Hogh, juHDaq cheghpu'DI' Hoch yInbogh mang, 'ech let 
Hom Hev 'ech be'nI'. DaH QIn mach ngeHmeH tlhIngan pIj 'echletHom lo'.

- Qov

At 11:15 07/11/2011, you wrote:
>Does anyone see a parallel in the literal translation of postcard:
>"brigadier-hard-small" ?
>Of course, a small hard brigadier is {'echHom let}, but still...
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