[Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - First Words

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri Nov 4 13:33:19 PDT 2011

At 13:05 04/11/2011, you wrote:
>Good morning - maj po
>Good afternoon - maj pov
>Good evening - maj choS

I take these ones and say, imagine you were interpreting for a 
Klingon and someone came up and said, "Good morning." You can't tell 
your client. "mu'mey ram jatlh". She wants to know what was said. So 
you put together an expression of praise with a time of day.  Now 
they understand the topic of the meaninglessness.

>please - qatlhobneS
>Thank you - qatlho'
>Thank you very much - qatlho'qu'

They're just lacking the cultural context, as I'm sure they are in a 
number of other languages avaialble on this system. Rather than being 
frustrated that Klingon isn't properly represented, I'm thrilled that 
Klingon is being given the same cavalier treatment as dozens of other 
world languages.

>Sorry - jIQoS
>Hello - nuqneH
>Good-bye - DaH jImej

I wouldn't call it so much a new phrase for good bye as an answer to 
the demand that Klingons must say SOMETHING before they leave. A 
character in my story is getting frustrated that his Klingon 
girlfriend never says anything and she's just gone. "mejtaHvIS mu'mey 

>ladies' toilet - be' puchpa'
>gents' toilet - loD puchpa'

The English makes me laugh.

>aspirin - nuch Hergh

This was probably my biggest laugh on the whole disk. I was clicking 
on it with wrinkled nose, not even wanting such a word. nuch Hergh 
vIlo' net tuch. mureghmoHlaHmo' HochHom 'oy' botbogh Herghmey, 
jIwuQtaHvIS 'oy' vISIQ. pegh vI'ang: qaStaHvIS lutwIj, wuQDI' nuvwI', 
ghaytan vIqontaHvIS jIwuQ.

>passport - leng chaw'
>credit card - Huch chaw'

I like all these chaw'mey.

>keys - ngaQHa'moHwI'mey

I'd often wondered if they were ngaQmoHwI'mey or ngaQHa'moHwI'mey. 
mebpa'meyDaq ngaQ'eghmoHmo' lojmItmey ngaQHa'moHwI'mey bIHba', 'ach 
wa'logh qeppa' lojmIt wIngaQmoH ngaQmoHwI' wInej.

>bicycle - qam Do Duj

Favourite new word from the whole disk. Because I ride a bicycle more 
often than a puH Duj, because it's a simple translation of 
velocipede, and because it doesn't confirm or deny whether Klingons 
have bicycles.  I'd think if you can build a warp drive you can build 
such an astonishingly efficient energy conversion device, but perhaps 
they never had good enough roads to trigger the invention.

>car - puH Duj

Long overdue as a daily life item.

>airplane - muD Duj

I cheered out loud!  Of course it's the obvious name and of course 
I've been calling it that forever and ever, but it's nice to have it 
enshrined in canon.

>train - lupwI' mIr

Do we have canon showing mIr to also be forged metal links?

>ship - bIQ Duj

Obvious and appreciated.

>shower - bIQ ghaywI' pa'

Of all the fluid mechanics terms we could have received, this is a 
bit of a disappointment because the meaning is quite close to vo' and 
ghomHa'. I would have preferred something like flow or pressure. 

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