[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh chorgh: <Qel De' lI'>

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Mon Dec 19 09:37:20 PST 2011

So, I'm back from Indiana (where, by the way, I watched A Klingon 
Chrismas Carol, an impressive feat of Klingon language presentation 
by a cast that does not themselves speak Klngon. Most of the time the 
dialogue was clearly understandable without reference to the 
surtitles, except that the Vulcan narrator deliberately used a 
Federation Standard accent when citing Klingon phrases, such as 
"hipdock," a mystery to me until I checked the projected translation 
and saw "red shirt." If you're not crazy enough to travel to the 
event, you might look into getting the DVD they are distributing of 
last year's production. The more people order them, the quicker they 
will reach the required number of orders and press them, so that I 
get mine. :-)

This 'ay' begins a new 'ay''a', so I will recap the end of 'ay''a' 
vagh, which from Captain vajar's point of view this immediately 
follows. vajar and crew, pretty much stranded in space on a disabled 
ship, had participated in the Heghbat tay of First Officer 'ungya and 
then spent the following several hours drinking heavily. They 
detected an incoming scan, which they all but ignored thanks to 
numerous preceding false alarms, and then the marginally functional 
sensor array detected an incoming ship. Hota'ro' passed out drunk 
while trying to raise shields and as ghutar tried to man her console 
he warned of a transporter beam. vajar saw the air sparkle, and then 
there was someone next to him, swinging something at his head just as 
he fell unconscious.

'ay''a' Soch


Qel De' lI'

vemDI' vajar[48], ghogh ghovbe'bogh Qoy. jatlh "vajar HoD, 
choQoylaH'a'?" mInDu' poSmoH vajar. nachDaj DungDaq vay' 'uchtaH 'ach 
rachwI' ngu'pu'mo', HIvbe' vajar.

jatlh vajar, "beqwIj! DujwIj!" yInroHDaj Hotlh rachwI' 'ej vay' rI'.

vajar QongDaq chol Qel 'ej ghu' QIj. jatlh "Dujrajvo' SoH, cha' 
beqpu' je rejolpu'. DaH tlhIngan may'Duj *veS* ropyaHDaq tlhIHtaH."

jatlh vajar "ghutar ghopDu' DavorlaH'a'?" jatlhmeH ghopDu'Daj'e' 
lo'DI' HoD baS tuQbe'taH DeSDaj 'e' tu'. 'oy'taH DeS 'ach Qaplaw'.

jatlh Qel, "HIja'. lagh tochDu'Daq nItlhDu'Daq je qa'meH DIr vIlan 
'ej SomrawDu' to'waQ je vIlISta'. wa'leS 'uchlaHchu' 'e' vIpIH. 
SoHvaD cha'logh DeS Hom rap Daghorlaw'pu'mo' vItI'meH HomlIjDaq 
HaqwI' mep vIlo'ta'. HoSqu' 'ej raghbe'. qaStaHvIS wej Hoghmey 
ghaytan loQ 'oy' DeS 'ach SIbI' Dalo'qu'laH."

jatlh vajar, "pIvqa''a' Hota'ro' tagh?"

jatlh Qel, "DuQchu', a vor'eghchu'lI' tagh. ghaHvaD qIv Hom Qargh vItI'pu' je."

jatlh vajar, "rIQpu''a' qIvDaj?"

jatlh Qel, "HIja'. bIjlu'pu'mo' jatlh."[49]

qaw vajar. jatlh "teH. vIqIpta'DI' qImbe'mo' vIpup." bIj meq lIjpu'. 
chay' lIjpu'? chechchoHpa' qaSlaw'. 'ungya HoHta''a'? ghobe' Heghbat 
... jatlh, "qen wanI'mey vIqawHa'law'. chaq muSIgh nov HIq wItlhutlhpu'bogh."

ba'choH Qel. jatlh "rejolDI' Suchechba'. bIvulchoH qaHotlhtaHvIS. 'a 
qay'be' HIq. 'IwrajDaq vI'taH latlh tar."[141]

jatlh vajar, "Hota'ro' SIghpu'. tlhoS Hegh."

jatlh Qel, "jaS Hoch SIgh. chaq qaStaHvIS jaj puS SuwuqHa'taH pagh 
Qu'mey nap bota'Ha'pu', pagh wanI'mey bolIjtaH, pagh SuvIDchoH. 
HoSghaj tarvetlh. SuDo'."

Qub vajar. HoSghajbej taSvetlh 'ej Qobbej. qa'meH lu'oghnIS tejpu'. 
jatlh "mapIvchoH'a'?"

jatlh Qel, "HIja'. tlhIHvaD tar HIq je vIteqchu'. chenbe' QIH 
ru'Ha'." taDaj laD Qel. vay' jatlh 'a QoylaHbe' vajar.

jatlh vajar, "nuqjatlh?"

mon Qel. jatlh "lujchoHlI' teSDu'lIj. ghaytan rut wabmey tam, be' 
ghoghmey ghap DaQoylaHbe', qar'a'? 'arghtaH. naDev vItI'laHbe' 'ach 
tlhIngan yuQ DaSuchDI' lutI'laH." yay'taHvIS vajar latlh De' chel 
Qel. jatlh "meHDaq Sogh lom vInuDpu'. Heghbat tay vIghov. tlhIbHa' 
mIw. DaHjaj, qaSpa' tayvetlh, reSampu'chugh, vItoDlaHbe'pu'. batlh 
HeghDaj ta'lu'. chaq SoHvaD lI' Sov." tlheD Qel.
SKI: vajar wakes up in a Klingon sickbay and is briefed by the doctor 
on his and his crew's condition.
[48] Oops, the last week was all a dream! (I promise not to do that to you).
[49] On the first pass she lied about this here, and I had to go 
through a whole thing about why, before I realized that she wouldn't 
have lied anyway. There are so many things I spent so much time 
figuring out before I realized that they weren't figureoutable 
because they were wrong.
[141] I wrestled with latlh here, taking it in and out, but in the 
end decided that the doctor knows that alcohol is a poison, even if 
his statement may slightly confuse vajar. Also it just seems to fit 
for me that the doctor would brief the commanding officer on the 
crew's medical conditions. I think the soldiers themselves are told 
"You are fit to work today" or "You stay in sickbay one more day." A 
different definition of "confidentiality of medical information."   
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