[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: lach

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Mar 2 11:20:01 PST 2016

On 3/2/2016 1:21 PM, mayql qunenoS wrote:
> reH bIlachchugh vaj pagh DuHar.
> if you constantly exaggerate, then noone will believe you.

vaj DuHar pagh

> 'oy''a'vam DayIn 'e' vIHarQo' ; bIlachba'.
> I don't believe that you're experiencing that much pain. you're
> obviously exaggerating.

{vIHarQo'} is "I won't believe it," not "I don't believe it," which is 

> jIlachtaH 'e' DaHarchu''a' ? teHchugh ngoDvam vaj DaH chowaH !
> do you really believe I am exaggerating ? if this fact is true then
> now you try me !

While technically correct, I'd make this less loquacious:

    jIlachtaH 'e' DaHarchugh DaH chowaH
    if you believe I am exaggerating, try me now

I'm not sure if {waH} "test, try out experimentally" is exactly the 
right verb here, but I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt on 
this one.

> qaghoHmoH ! So'laHbogh Duj vIghaj. jItlhIb 'e' DaHarlaw' 'a DaQaw'bej buq'IrwIj.
> I warn you ! I possess a vessel which is able to cloak. You may
> believe that I'm incompetent but my cube will definitely destroy you.

"Warn" is {ghuH}, not {ghoH}. {qaghuH} "I alert you."


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