[Tlhingan-hol] Why Klingon is perfect

mayql qunenoS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 03:02:26 PST 2016

In this mail I will describe, why Klingon is perfect as a conlang. Not
"why it is perfect according to my opinion" but rather "why it is
perfect. period."

Because of the following reasons:

1. Because it can't be translated by a non Klingonist. I don't think
that a non-Klingonist could just fire up whatever app, and just read
anything that might be written in Klingon. Unless someone puts in the
effort of actually learning Klingon, he cannot translate a Klingon
text. End of story.

2. Because a non-Kilngonist cannot even read it.

3. Because it has a vocabulary of only 2700 words approximately (give
or take, depending on what someone would consider a word) ; This means
that someone who wishes to learn, has actually a shot at managing to
learn the entire vocabulary. If it had a vocabulary of 10.000 words,
who would be able to learn them all ?

4. Because the vocabulary of Klingon is actually a vocabulary that
consists of words one can use in everyday discussion ; If we exclude
words as {DarSeq} or <to use the (whatever) toe> almost every word of
the vocabulary can be used in everyday discussions. This is definitely
not the case with conlangs such as Vulcan, which have an enormous
database of words (in Vulcan's case scientific), still of no use to
everyday needs.

5. Because with only 2700 words, one can say almost anything he needs
in every speech.

6. Because one has the actual choice, of choosing whether to write in
pIqaD or english characters.

7. Because pIqaD can actually be writen by hand, in contrast to other
conlangs' characters which are extremely difficult - even impossible -
to write by hand.

8. Because with relatively few pages of grammar, one can express
almost anything he desires.

9. Because it doesn't burder the mind of the student Klingonist with
having to remember details that aren't needed, in order to express
himself. For example, why would I need to concern myself with tenses,
when I can just use a time stamp and express exactly the same meaning

10. Because it has a single authority (Okrand) who decides what is
right and what is wrong. In this way the entire community can have set
rules, thus being able to communicate with one another through the use
of Klingon, which is the ultimate goal of every language.

11. Because with the use of prefixes and suffixes we can express a
lot, without having to actually write a lot. Even the ancient Spartans
(the closest equivalent to Klingons) hated the use of many and
unnecessary words.

12. Because it can be spoken in an either aggressive or mild
(Azetbur's speech) way.

..I know that any other conlang-ist would have a lot to say in order
to defend his own, chosen conlang. So, the final reason why Klingon is
perfect, is rather simple :

13. jIjatlhmo' pup tlhIngan Hol !

cpt qunnoq

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