[Tlhingan-hol] mu'tlheghmey qontaHbogh Qov

qov at kli.org qov at kli.org
Mon Jan 18 10:00:21 PST 2016

As SuStel says, there is that one snippet of quasi-canon supporting the idea, so it’s possible. As the phrase is never used in the episode, we don’t know if it was recorded as a fill in the blank, and something was going to precede it, or if it is a truncation of a longer recording. Most people will frown at a headless relative, but if it says what you have to say at any given moment, and your audience will tolerate mu’ ru’, then it may be understood.


As I hear or read a Klingon sentence, my brain knows what sort of things to expect to go with what I’m hearing, and when they aren’t there, I get confused. Like if you said {nInej ghunchu’wI’} I’d be waiting for the rest of the sentence (or your announcement of ghunchu’wI”s successful cloning research).  


- Qov


From: Bellerophon, modeler [mailto:bellerophon.modeler at gmail.com] 
Sent: January 18, 2016 7:38
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] mu'tlheghmey qontaHbogh Qov


jalth Qov:

Sulugh. vaj ‘utbe’ –‘e’. jIHvaD, qechvam potlh law’ {-‘e’} lo’meH mIw potlh puS. mojaQ {-‘e’} vImuchmeH wejmaH wej mu’tlhegh vIqon ‘ach mojaq bopbogh Hutlh HochHom.


qech Daj chupta' lojmIt tI'wI' nuv. lugh'a'? jISovbe'. qechDaj lo'bogh mu'tlhegh vIqonta' neH. (mojaQ -'e' vInopta' je.)

Will's interpretation seems to be a way to have a sentence-as-subject (or a second way to have a sentence-as-object): that the whole verb+bogh sentence can act as the "head noun." Or it can whichever noun makes sense to the listener. Or the speaker can use -'e' to specify the head noun.

It seems to me Will's interpretation also opens the way to verb+bogh stripped of any nouns, as in vIHoSmoHlu' vIHoHbe'lu'bogh.


mIp'av yergho
IKAV chuch 'etlh

My modeling blog:          http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/
My other modeling blog:  http://bellerophon.blog.com/

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