[Tlhingan-hol] vulqa'nganpu'

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Jan 5 06:25:59 PST 2016

On 1/5/2016 8:53 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> There’s ONE canon example, and it’s a weird example that isn’t perfectly
> obvious that it even IS what you’d like to think it is. That’s the
> beginning and the end of evidence that it’s okay to do it. So do it, but
> please stop TALKING ABOUT DOING IT as if it were perfectly fine and
> normal. It isn’t, and saying it is over and over again won’t make it any
> more well formed than it is by its own nature unless we get more canon
> that is less weird and more explicitly obvious as to what is being said.

The reciprocal is also true, and we can ALSO USE ALL-CAPS to say it, but 
there's no point in having a shouting match about it. No one is saying 
it's perfectly fine and normal; we're saying it doesn't seem to violate 
any rules. I myself started by saying that I'd never seen such a 
construction before. However, if I find that it would be useful to say 
something, I'm going to use it.

For the record, I don't see anything "weird" about it. Unusual, yes, but 
not weird. And not, apparently, ungrammatical.


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