[Tlhingan-hol] Museum of Art

Will Martin lojmitti7wi7nuv at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 05:17:21 PDT 2015

There’s a passage in the famous “Seven Deadly words that will blow your mind, curve your spine, and lose the war for the Allies” skit by the late George Carlin referring to all things that can leak or exude from the human body, He remarks that as a culture, we want you to “Keep it inside.” Blood, urine, feces, burps and farts all fall in the category of things that society wants you to keep it inside. That’s what I hear when I hear “Qep’It”.

Whenever anyone apologizes to me for having done either of these two things, I generally remark that I prefer that they do what they did rather than to pop. It’s a lot less messy.

lojmIt tI'wI'nuv

> On Aug 3, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Lieven <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:
> This message is about the final 4 letters of the subject line. :-)
> I know some people may feel offended talking about such things, but as a part of linguistics, one needs to talk about anything.
> One young son of my students had a silly question about a specific klingon word, which prbobably many children tend to ask. Of course, I did not hesitate and forwarded the question to Marc Okrand, who answered with no new word, but with the expansion of a known meaning:
> Email from Okrand, 03 August 2015:
> ---------
> We already have that word (or those words).  The noun is {Qep'It} and the verb is {ruq}.  Both of these words can be used for gas that comes up from your gut and out of your mouth and also for gas that goes down from your gut and out the other way.  If it's necessary to make the distinction (for Klingons, it isn't always necessary), use phrases involving {nuj} or {Hugh} or {Sa'Hut.}
> ---------
> For reference, here's the relevant part from HolQeD 12:4/2003:
> ---------
> When air (or gas) from the stomach works it's way up and comes out of the mouth (often noisily), one is said to {ruq} "belch." Maltz said it is acceptable to refer to this gas as {SIp}, a general word for gas of any kind, but that gas produced within the body is known as {Qep'It}.
> ---------
> -- 
> Lieven L. Litaer
> aka Quvar valer 'utlh
> Grammarian of the KLI
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