[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tIq

Lieven levinius at gmx.de
Tue Apr 14 12:18:36 PDT 2015

Am 14.04.2015 um 17:09 schrieb André Müller:
> You know, that's weird! I've always perceived {bIQtIq} as the 'water
> heart', as rivers somehow pump the water through the countries or
> something like that. I always thought, how poetic! I never realized it
> could've been simply 'long water' (how profane!).

hahaha - I have always felt the opposite: I thought like: oh, this one 
is easy to remember, a river is just simply a long water :-)

We'll probably never know.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka Quvar valer 'utlh
Grammarian of the KLI

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