[Tlhingan-hol] yInwIj vIparHa'qu'

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sat May 31 10:07:24 PDT 2014

So, remember nuq bop bom? I started out writing a two-page short story and
eight months later realized I was most of the way through a novel with
insufficient advance planning, multiple characters with different
motivations and three interwoven plotlines that needed resolution?

I've sort of done it again. Lawrence wanted to revitalize the KLI website. I
said it needed a course leading to the Level One KLPC test, and I started
writing one. I separated the vocabulary into thematic groups, ordered the
grammar in a way that allowed useful progress and interleaved repetition but
still built one thing upon another, and planned out which vocabulary should
be introduced before and after which grammatical concept. My favourite
language textbooks in school all had little pictorial "dialogues"
demonstrating each topic, featuring the same characters in ongoing
plotlines, so I went to a build-your-own-cartoon site and threw up one of
those to illustrate the first lesson, and found them to be a fun way to tie
the vocabulary together and encourage the student to read the language.  And
now a few months in I realize I have multiple characters with different
motivations and three interwoven plotlines that really ought to be resolved
by the time the student gets to the final wordlist.

loDnalwI'vaD lutvam vIja'DI' jatlh ghaH, "So, not satisfied with writing the
first Klingon novel, you're following it up with the first Klingon graphic
novel? I think you might need better illustrations."

- Qov

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