[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tlhIlHal

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 26 07:18:05 PDT 2014

> Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, March 26, 2014
> Klingon word: tlhIlHal
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition: mine

  cha'puj tlhIlHal vISuch vIneH 
  I want to visit the dilithium mines. CK 

  tlhIlHal yIngev! 
  Sell the mine! KGT

  tlhIlHal yIngIv! 
  Patrol the mine! KGT 

  rura' pente' tlhIlHalmey 
  Rura Penthe Mines  (MKE)

TKW 190:  The prisoners on Rura Penthe ... mine dilithium, required for warp propulsion systems.

Prisoners sentenced to the dilithium mines on Rura Penthe have a life expectancy of 6 months to one year. (ENT "Judgment")

Trek Trivia:

The remote Galactic Mining Station on Delta-Vega is an automated lithium cracking station, "rich in crystal and minerals." (TOS "Where No Man Has Gone Before")

In 2267 Klingon agent Kras supported the Maab's revolt against the High Tier Akaar (leader of the "ten tribes of Capella") in hopes the new leader would award the Klingon Empire the rights to mine the rare mineral topaline {toplIn} on Capella IV. ("Friday's Child" [TOS]) Topaline is a rare mineral needed by both the Empire and the Federation for colonial life-support systems.  Deposits of topaline ore disrupt scanners.  In 2155 Xindi-Sloths in the Delta Expanse commercially refine topaline into kemocite, a radiolytic compound (or multiphasic isotope) with many uses, including weapons (ENT "The Shipment").  Rich deposits of topaline are also found on {taD}, a frozen planet in the Korvad system (DI).

In 2267 the Halkans refused the Federation (and the Mirror Empire) permission to mine dilithium crystals on their planet. (TOS "Mirror, Mirror")

Harcourt Fenton Mudd was arrested and imprisoned on a Rigel mining planet. (TOS "I, Mudd")

The crew of the SS Beagle sent a landing party down to look for iridium ore to repair their ship in 2261. (TOS "Bread and Circuses")

A soft yellow magnetic ore found on Alpha 177 caused a transporter malfunction. (TOS "The Enemy Within")

The Woden - a large slow-moving, old-style unmanned ore freighter converted to automation - was destroyed by M-5 in 2268. (TOS "The Ultimate Computer")

Pergium is a mineral used on many planets as a source of power for life-support systems and is found in abundance on Janus VI. (TOS "The Devil in the Dark")

Ilium 269 is a naturally formed geological by-product of the decay of dilithium; an ico-spectrogram can identify such traker deposits, which indicate the presence of dilithium. (TNG "Pen Pals")

In 2367 Picard shuttled to Pentarus II to settle a dispute among the salenite miners there. (TNG "Final Mission")

See the "Mineralogy of Star Trek" by Jeffrey de Fourestier (http://www.minrec.org/pdfs/STAR%20TREK%20Article.pdf )

Related words:

tlhIl  		mineral (n.) 
tlhIl  		mine (v) 
tlhIlwI'  		miner (n)

Similar words:

'och 			tunnel (n)
Qargh 		fissure (n)
DIS 			cave (n)

nagh 			rock, stone (n)
qut 			crystal (n)
cha'pujqut 	dilithium crystal (n)
beqpuj 		bekpuj (n)
toplIn 		topaline (n)

mol 			bury (v)
lel 			get out, take out (v)
teq 			remove (v)
nge' 			take away (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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