[Tlhingan-hol] The Legend of Gorath part 3

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Mon Mar 24 04:24:13 PDT 2014

There is actually one canonical instance of jatlh being used for an "indirect quotation". It's from paq'batlh, which doesn't always conform to standard grammar, but anyhow:


paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 1, Stanzas 2-3:

nuv 'umHa' leghchugh veqlargh
ngoS nuv 'umHa'
net jatlh

Sovbej pagh
'elta' nuv law'
cheghta' pagh


Those unfit disintegrate
At the sight of Fek'lhr
So it is said

No one knows for sure,
Many have entered,
None have returned.


From: Rohan Fenwick [qeslagh at hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 12:11
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] The Legend of Gorath part 3

ghItlhpu' gheyIl, jatlh:
> I'm not completely clear on which speech verbs use 'e' and which do not.
> Does it depend on whether it's directly quoted speech or not.
> {yIH vImuS ja'} "I hate tribbles, he said"
> {yIH muS 'e' ja'} "He said that he hates tribbles"

As Qov has said, {jatlh} and {ja'} can be used for direct quoting of speech. We don't have any examples of indirect speech with {jatlh} and {ja'}, but we do have a couple with {tlhob} in the paq'batlh and I don't see any reason why {jatlh} and {ja'} couldn't do the same thing:

molor luSuvmeH / nuHmeychaj Suq / ’e’ tlhob qeylIS
"Kahless asks that they take up their weapons to fight Molor" (paq'raD 6.10-12)

> Regarding noun-noun constructions, it would seem that a possessive
> should goes on the 2nd noun. {'Iw HIqDaj} sounds so much more correct
> than the macabre {'IwDaj HIq}.

As Qov has pointed out, it depends on your meaning. {'Iw HIqDaj} is "his bloodwine". My immediate first thought on {'IwDaj HIq} was "his blood alcohol content"; that is, "the alcohol of his blood".

More pedantically, {'Iw HIq} is "wine of blood", so {'Iw HIqDaj} is "his wine of blood", and {'IwDaj HIq} is "wine of his blood".

> I had written {HoSwIJ Hoch} but perhaps {HoS HochwIj} is more correct?

Literally, {HoS HochwIj} translates to "my all of strength", which doesn't make a great deal of sense.

> About the alternative {HoSwIj naQ}. Does the possessive go on the noun
> like that, or on the verb-adjective as in {HoS naQwIj} ?

It does; only type 5 suffixes go on the adjective: {HoSwIj naQmo'} "because of all of my strength".

> I have from HQ 10.2 that {pe'vIl roS} is an adverbial idiom to convey
> agile, nimble or spry.

It is an idiom, but it's not adverbial: it's an adverb with a verb, so the meaning is more "be agile, be nimble, be spry". {pe'vIl jIroS} "I am agile", {pe'vIl bIroS} "you are agile", and so forth.

> Given that, I do prefer your rendering with nouns - the repetition is
> quite satisfying.

tlho'. :) Such repetition is typical of Klingon prose.

> I take your point about my use of {tlhop'a'}.
> Are there any restrictions to placing noun suffixes on pronouns?

Not formally, but most of them don't make a great deal of sense: ??{SoHmey} "youse", ??{maHwIj} "our us", and

> Could I say {SoH'a' tlhop} "in front of your greatness"?
> How about belittling someone with {-Hom} on a pronoun?

The augmentative and diminutive suffixes aren't honourific or derogatory in nature, so the metaphorical sense is really lost in the Klingon.

> I think what I meant to say was {HoSghajchu' 'e' DavItchugh} "If you
> tell the truth that he is so powerful"

Like Qov, I'm not sure about {vIt} used in this way, but I'm content to let it be.

> You suggested {HoSghajchu' 'e' vIvoqchugh}, but {voq} doesn't sit quite
> right with me. How about {HoSghajchu' 'e' vIHarchugh} ?

Also fine.

> As always, murach QaHlIj.

qaQaHlaHpu'mo' jIbelqu'. :)

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