[Tlhingan-hol] Status of the KLI / Re: centralised archive of new word sources (De'vID)

Christoph Pichlmann christoph_pichlmann at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 17 12:29:45 PST 2014

This seems like a good opportunity to ask - what's the current status of the KLI?
Still active? A ruin with only the mailing list active? Dying and decaying?
Or perhaps finishing the last stages of chrysalis, waiting for the right moment to emerge rejuvenated and renewed?

Wouldn't a centralised archive of new word sources be exactly what the KLI is for?
It seems the "new" word list contains entries up to 2005.
The wiki is even more broken than the mailing list, btw.

I'm not trying to be a troll or a bastard, but it's a long time since the KLI seemed to do anything or be anything. The website is in ruins, it looks like there is nothing new. But maybe I'm simply ignorant because all I see is the mailing list and the website? Perhaps the KLI does work miracles in the background without ever telling anyone? In that case, talk about it loudly - like on the front page, so people immediately see why the KLI exists.

What is it the KLI needs? Active people? Money? Something entirely different?
If it's money, set up a goal and ask for donations - I'm sure it could be reached if there is a reason to spend money. (As in, things the KLI plans to do, not just stuff to get for donations.)

Perhaps set up a kickstarter funding for a revived KLI. That way you might reach people who didn't yet know the KLI but like the idea of it - if there is reason to believe the KLI is worth giving money to it.

I do realize that the actual KLI is probably just one or two persons, and I do understand that they have other things to do as well (like a day job or having a life), but in that case perhaps more people should be involved - surely there's plenty of klingonists with skill and time to help out.



Just to make sure: I'm not trying to act as if I'd be a person to do all that - quite the opposite, I freely admit. But I would like to profit from a working KLI (as in "Qap tlhIngan Hol yejHaD", not as in "vum tlhIngan Hol yejHaD") - and of course I'd be glad to pay for that privilege.

> Is anyone keeping a repo of new word *sources* somewhere, not just the
> new words themselves? I know Klingonska.org
> (http://klingonska.org/canon/) was doing something like this, but it
> looks like it stopped adding new things in 2012.
> I ask because I have a couple of things for which the only source is
> Facebook, and old Facebook posts are either no longer accessible, or
> are difficult to access now and may disappear in the future. For
> example, my only source for the term {ghIn pIn} is a Facebook message,
> and similarly for some other things. It would be nice if someone is
> collecting and copying these messages so that they're more widely
> available.
> The Facebook groups are the most active Klingon language forums right
> now. I think that's a little bit unfortunately, as Facebook messages
> are not publicly accessible without a Facebook account. But you have
> to go where the people are.
> --
> De'vID 		 	   		  

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