[Tlhingan-hol] "Chay' tlhingan jatlh (How To Speak Klingon)"

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 09:29:13 PST 2014

> Perhaps someone should (gently) correct this person:
> http://www.instructables.com/id/Chay-tlhingan-jatlh-How-To-Speak-Klingon/

> It's pretty bad, but on the bright side, his list of "articles" should tip
> off anyone who knows anything about languages that he's not the real deal.

This one is better, but still has a lot of errors:

It's like someone who actually knows Klingon wrote something, then a
bunch of other (well-meaning but illiterate Klingon-wise) people added
a bunch of phrases they translated using Bing.

This doc (linked from the above) is especially terrible:

Does anyone have an account at WikiHow?


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