[Tlhingan-hol] bad news and good news

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 11:25:30 PDT 2014


I have been working for a while to update the Klingon translations on
a major Internet search engine. Some of you know this already, as you
are volunteers.

First, the bad news: the project is discontinued. I can't discuss the
reasons here, but I'll be happy to discuss it in person (at a qep'a'
if I should attend one, or a qepHom - and I plan to be at the next one
in Saarbrücken).

Now, the good news: we may be getting new vocabulary out of the
project. In fact, we already have. Marc Okrand had agreed to take
part, under the condition that he would prioritise terminology which
also had to be translated for a popular social network.

So... the search engine translation volunteers had come up with a
glossary and some questions about or alternatives for certain terms. A
similar effort had happened on the social network, and I merged the
two sets by noting what terms they lacked in common, and sent a
summary off to Dr. Okrand.

I'm not going to say that the most recent of the new words from Dr.
Okrand were directly a result of having been sent the summary... but
the "intersection" included the word "Internet" and the days of the
week, so it was at least an influence. Undoubtedly others have also
asked him for these words. The geometry questions were also something
that came up in my conversations with him, though they were not part
of the original summary (but apparently the topic caught Maltz's

Anyway, now that the search engine translation project is canceled,
the next time I receive a message from Dr. Okrand I will try to
confirm the final translations with Maltz and then release it here on
this mailing list. I don't know when that will be though, since Maltz
doesn't appear to work on a regular schedule. So I can't make any
promises about the timing of that since it's contingent on someone
else. Also, if any of you happen to meet with Dr. Okrand in the mean
time, perhaps you can gently prod him about the list of technical
words Maltz and I have been discussing.

Finally, a big thank you to the volunteers. I'm sorry that your work
probably won't appear in the search engine interface, but I hope that
your translations will either be confirmed by Maltz or corrected by
him. Either way, it will have contributed to a broader knowledge of
the Klingon language.


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