[Tlhingan-hol] 'contamination' and <-Ha'choHmoH>

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Tue May 28 08:56:18 PDT 2013

> I don't think {ghe'naQ nIt} has any bearing on whether {nIt} or {watlh}
> is better. We don't have any examples of {watlh}, do we?

Just the one that I know of:

le'yo'raj nIHlu'ta'mo' penoD jatlh qeylIS
nuHmeyraj tIQorgh
watlh 'Iwraj 'e' lu'aghmo' nuHmey jej

[And Kahless spoke to them ... ]
About avenging their stolen pride,
About caring for their weapons,
For they represent the purity of their blood.

(paq'batlh, paq'raD, Canto 8, Stanza 8)


Uncertain what to make of that. Supposedly, blood can be physically watlh, but in this case it's a metaphor for some positive quality.

I might actually argue that nIt might (and on "might" lies my emphasis) be better than watlh, because water in most lakes and rivers is already impure; it contains salt, mud, minerals, algae, fish, crustaceans, worms...
However, that does not necessarily make it *corrupted* or *sullied*.
toH! chaq nItlaH bIQ watlhHa'.

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