[Tlhingan-hol] new Klingon [SPOILER]

David Holt kenjutsuka at live.com
Sat May 4 18:43:02 PDT 2013

I first heard <ghojmo> and assumed it was <ghojmoH>.  On second hearing I decided it sounded more like <ghoSmo>.  Though I can hear the <m> sound at the beginning I don't think it is intended to be a syllable, but rather that she closed her mouth and then started the voicing before actually forming the <gh>.  So opening her lips with voicing already started made it sound like <mu->.
Hopefully it will be clearer when she says it in the movie.
From: qeslagh at hotmail.com
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 03:22:20 +1000
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] new Klingon [SPOILER]

ghItlhpu' De'vID, jatlh:
> wa' tlhIngan mu' jatlh 'e' DaQoylaH:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWCEpu2P6IU

vIjangpu' jIH, jIjatlh:
> Doj - tlhoS jatlhchu'. ghay rur Hay Qav, 'ach {mughojmoH} 'oHba'. DaH
> jIboHqu'choH!

jang je SuStel, jatlh:
> Dojbe'. I hear "noshmon" spoken as if it were French.

The vowel nasality I'm willing to concede, though both English and Klingon can be spoken with vowel nasality as a non-contrastive feature so I consider it acceptable leeway here, especially since there are two nasal consonants within the word. I'll also concede that the sibilant before the /m/ in the ultima is probably /S/ rather than /j/, which would make what I heard {mughoSmoH} "it sends me, they send me". The voicing of the remainder of the word made it sound to me as though it were voiced also, but I've just run it through a spectrograph and there is indeed neither an affrication nor voicing there (I wonder if I misheard the stridency of the high frequencies of /S/ as representing the affricate burst of /j/). I'll gladly lay the blame on my inexperienced ears; after all, the word could just as easily be {mughoSmoH}.

But with respect, you've misheard the first consonant: it is /m/ and the accompanying visual shows clear bilabial involvement. Also, though the articulation is relatively rapid, three syllables are definitely present - there's a soft but audible voiced dorsal (a velar or an untrilled uvular) midway through what you've heard as the first /o/ and it's visible on the spectrogram too. But lip-rounding is also continuously present from immediately after the /m/ through to the sibilant gesture, consistent with two rounded vowels /-ugho-/.


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