[Tlhingan-hol] Iron Man vs. Man of Steel

Ruben Molina rmolina at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 17:52:57 PDT 2013

> to *describe* "Iron Man" I would use something like <baS may'luch tuQbogh loD>,

I just remembered that we have <Sub> for "hero", so I would use
<Sub'a'> as "great hero" or "superhero" and then:

<baS may'luch tuQbogh Sub'a'> vs <puvlaHbogh 'ej HoSqu'bogh Sub'a'>
"great hero who  wears a 'complete set of armor and weapons' of metal"
vs. "great hero who can fly and is very strong"

Being *literal* (which is not the intended meaning) we just need a way
to differentiate between "iron" ans "steel".  I think we don't have a
word for "alloy", but maybe something like <DuDta'lu'bogh baS> would
work... And a few days ago Voragh posted that *{baS qIj} "black metal"
has been used for "iron" before...  So I would try <baS qIj loD> vs.
<DuDta'lu'bogh baS qIj loD>, "man of iron" vs. "man of mixed iron"...
but then again that's not the intended meaning.


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