[Tlhingan-hol] Shuttles and stations

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Fri Jun 7 08:02:11 PDT 2013

To be specific, shuttlecraft are «lupDujHom», which further specifies their ferrying role.
It makes one wonder: Is there such a thing as a *lupDuj*? A passenger ship or troop escort intended for longer journeys, perhaps?

One might get the general idea of a runabout across using «leng ngaj Duj» ("short journey ship").

I wonder if «lo' law'» might be useful. What kind of ship would a «lo' law' Duj» be? Or a «lo' law' DujHom»?

From: David Trimboli [david at trimboli.name]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2013 14:25
To: tlhingan-hol at stodi.digitalkingdom.org
Subject: [Tlhingan-hol] Shuttles and stations

On 6/7/2013 2:58 AM, De'vID wrote:

> Would the ISS even be a {tengchaH}? I mean, a shuttlecraft is
> technically a type of {Duj}, but we still call it a {DujHom}. The ISS
> feels more properly like a {tengchaHHom} to me. It doesn't even have
> artificial gravity or shields!

{-Hom} doesn't indicate how impressive something is. The ISS is
certainly a {tengchaH}. A shuttlecraft is a {DujHom} because it's used
to ferry people to and from actual {Dujmey}.

Now... try translating "runabout"!


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