[Tlhingan-hol] New word part 2

Gaerfindel gaerfindel at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 6 09:46:50 PDT 2013

tlhobpu' vay', jatlh:
 > How is {Qumran} different from {tetlh} "roll, scroll, list"?
 > Does {Qumran} refer to the physical aspects of a scroll, while 
{tetlh} is more of a (longish) list (i.e. material vs. content)?

jang Quvar, jatlh:
 > We did not talk about that, and it is even possible that he even might
 > have forgotten about {tetlh} - we won't know. :-/
 > But when I think about it and compare it to your examples, I guess that
 > it is exactly like you said:
 > {tetlh} might be a list of names for instance, and the {Qumran} is a
 > longish scrolled piece of paper.

jang QeS, jatlh:
 >The problem is that the explicit gloss of "scroll" for {tetlh} in KGT 
says that it is quite capable of referring to the physical entity of the 
scrolled >piece of writing material, not just the information contained 
upon it. "Roll" has a more abstract use - honour roll, roll call, etc. - 
but "scroll" >really can't be used so abstractly.

 >However, you hit on an interesting point with your mention of paper - 
I wonder if one of the two terms could be more specific as to the 
 >material it's made of. What makes me think of it is the Dead Sea 
Scrolls (to which {Qumran} is a transparent reference, of course);  
although a >few of the Dead Sea Scrolls were written on papyrus, mostly 
they were on parchment (hide) or vellum, and I've seen one in the Jordan 
 >Archaeological Museum in Amman that was engraved on copper sheeting. 
No way to know, of course, but if there are two words perhaps >there's 
some subtle distinction like this involved (as with pairs like {yab} and 

As Quvar and Qes point out, there's now real way to know, right now, 
although their ideas somehow "feel" right to me, i.e. {QumranDaj jatlh 
tetlh 'ach tetlhDaj jatlhbe' Qumran}.  Also, given Klingon culture, 
while some modern {Qumranmey} may be made from paper, I imagine most to 
be made from animal hide--probably targ.  Again, no way to know without 
asking MO.


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