[Tlhingan-hol] puchpa' [was: Re: Dishes]

Gaerfindel gaerfindel at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 29 07:48:22 PST 2012

ghItlhpu' quljIb. jatlh:
ngop 'elpI'mey 'unmey je vISay'moHbejta'. DaH Say'moHmeH 'IbwIj chIm.

ghItlhpu' David Triboli. jatlh:
majQa'. DaH puchpa'wIj yISay'moH.

jIghItlh.  jatlh:
chIm'a' puchlIj? yIchImbe' puch bIH puchpa'lIj vISay'moHQo'!

ghItlh David.  jatlh:
I'm having trouble understanding this, but I think you're saying, "Is 
your toilet empty? If your toilet is not empty I will not clean your 

The first sentence is fine. The second sentence begins with {yIchImbe'}, 
which is kinda-sorta-not-legally like "be not empty it!" I believe you 
wanted to use a conditional clause: {chImbe'chugh puch} "if the toilet 
is not empty." You used {bIH} "they/them (referring to things)" as if it 
were {vaj} "therefore." Change it to {vaj}, or leave it out entirely. 
chIm'a' puchlIj?

    chImbe'chugh puch [vaj] puchpa'lIj vISay'moHQo'! bIQ neH ngaSbej 
puchwIj. taybe'wI' 'up jIHbe'. DaH yISay'choHmoH!


Qo'!  puchpa'wIj neH vISay'moH.


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