[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: pav

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Tue May 29 07:00:20 PDT 2012

Relevant idiom: qul DIr yISop! ("Eat the fire skin!")

"This phrase means "Hurry up! Move quickly!" It
comes from the necessity of eating {qul DIr} ("fire skin"),
a dish consisting of flaming pieces of cut-up animal skin,
quickly, before the fire goes out." [KGT]

Another one: vIHtaH gho. ("The hoop is moving.")

"This expression means that an activity of finite
(though perhaps indeterminate) length has started. It is
used to encourage somebody to make a decision or to
perform a process more quickly." [KGT]

Other relevant word: chach = "emergency"

Seen in chach Duj = "emergency ship" = "ambulance" (EuroTalk), and chach Duj yIrI'! ("Get an ambulance!")

Can also mean something like "auxiliary" or "backup": tlham chach chu'qa'! = "Restoring auxiliary gravity..." (clipped Klingon from STVI)
Confirmation: http://klingonska.org/canon/search/?file=1992-09-holqed-01-3.txt&get=source

Some have treated it as a verb (tlham chach = "the auxiliary gravity"), others as a noun (tlham chach = "the gravity's backup", possibly short for something like tlham pat chach = "the gravity system's backup" or even tlham chach pat ("the backup system of gravity")).

Discussion: http://stodi.lojban.org/~clsn/webarchives/2012/January/msg00152.html

From: Steven Boozer [sboozer at uchicago.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 15:28
To: tlhingan-hol at kli.org
Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: pav

> Klingon word: pav
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition: be urgent

Possibly used once in canon:

Qugh la'vaD QIn pav.
[Urgent message for Commander Kruge.] (ST3 DVD case)

Related words:

potlh           be important (v)
  potlh De'        priority message

tugh            soon (adv)
nom                     fast, quickly (adv)
qen                     recently, a short time ago (adv)
SIbI'           immediately (adv)
pay'            suddenly (adv)

Anyone know if Okrand vetted the Klingon for this re-issue of the DVD?
FYI, the {tlhIngan Hol} on the back of the ST3 DVD case:

  Qugh la'vaD QIn pav.
  [Urgent message for Commander Kruge.]

  qa'vam jan SeH DIvI'.
  [The Federation controls the Genesis Device.]

  qa'vam yuQ Quv DaghojmeH Duyma'vaD yIjatlh.
  [To learn the Genesis Planet's coordinates, speak to our agent.]

  qa'vam jan yISuq.
  [Acquire the Genesis Device!]

  potlhbe' to'.
  [Tactics aren't important.]
  (i.e. Do it anyway you can; we don't care how!)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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