[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' wa'vatlh SochmaH Soch: SanIDlogh nuHoHlaH

Felix Malmenbeck felixm at kth.se
Thu May 10 02:22:10 PDT 2012

>> chay' mavang 'e' bochup?"
>> (Ooh, nice Question As Object. I think it works perfectly.)
> bong vIta'. motlh vIjun. 

vInaD je. bIghelqu'meH ghelmeH mu' Dalo'chugh, Hol pab Dapablaw'.

nuq Datlhutlh DaneH? [EuroTalk]

vay' DamaqmeH ghelmeH mu' Dalo'chugh, vaj bIoabHa'law'.

jach martaq, jatlh, «HoHta' wo'rIv 'e' vIlegh!»
ghel ghawran, jatlh, «'Iv HoHta' 'e' Dalegh?»

Hol pab pabHa'law' ghawran ghelDI': nuv'e' HoHta'bogh wo'rIv ngu' martaq neH ghawran, vaj ghelmeH ghelmeH mu' lo' 'ej mu'tlhegh'a'vaD ghelmeH mu'tlhegh mojmoH ghelmeH mu'.

'ach jangDI' martaq bIng mu'tlhegh jatlhchugh, pabHa'law':

«'Iv HoHta' wo'rIv 'e' vIleghbe'. pa' HurghtaH 'ej ngugh jIchechtaH.»

Dung mu'tlheghvaD ghelmeH mu'tlhegh mojmoHbe' ghelmeH mum, vaj mu'vam lo'Ha'pu' martaq.
vay' Damaq DaneHchugh, yImaq! yIghelQo'!
«Heghpu'wI' vIngu'laHbe'. ngugh jIchechtaH 'ej pa' HurghtaH.»

DIvI' Hol jatlhtaHvIS vay', rut ngu'meH mu'mey Da ghelmeH mu'meH. Huj.

[SKI: Judging from the canonical sentence «nuq Datlhutlh DaneH», it seems it's okay to use a question as an object if the elements that make the first sentence a question also make the resulting two-sentence construction a question.
For example, if somebody comes up to you and shouts «HoHta' wo'rIv 'e' vIlegh!» ("I saw Worf kill him/her them!"), it seems you'd be in your right to ask «'Iv HoHta' 'e' Dalegh?» to mean "Who did you see him kill?". However, the first person cannot then respond «'Iv HoHta' 'e' vIleghbe'.» as if to say "I didn't see who it was that Worf killed."; that's using 'Iv as a relative pronoun, which is not allowed.

...though if Klingon has rhetorical questions, I suppose it may make sense to ask "Who HAVEN'T I seen Worf kill?"
The guy's an alien-boppin', prune juice-poppin' succession machine!]

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