[Tlhingan-hol] {warjun} {tlher} je

Robyn Stewart robyn at flyingstart.ca
Mon Mar 19 15:28:45 PDT 2012

At 15:23 '?????' 3/19/2012, you wrote:
>Does anyone know the pun behind {tlher}?

I can't remember whether it was the Beaver or his big brother, but 
one of them had a pal named Lumpy.

>p.s. In the sentence {A B je chaH C D je'e'}, did I put the {'e'} in 
>the right place?  Or should it have been {A B je chaH C'e' D'e' je}?

The latter.

>p.p.s. I like {mu' qID} "word joke" for "pun", though I suppose it 
>really should be {qID mu'} "joke word".   There's a kind of 
>parallelism with {mu'qaD}.

And in answer to why I thought ngIS was a joke: I'd never heard of 
it, and it was ridiculously, uselessly specific.

- Qov 

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