[Tlhingan-hol] Paramount Hol: "Sli'bah!"

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 18 14:06:12 PDT 2012

> I seem to remember an episode of TNG (or possibly DS9) where a Klingon
> (Worf, I think) calls somebody a "sli'bah" or "shlee-bach" or "tlhIybaH"
> or the like. Pretty sure it was an insult.
> Pretty sure it doesn't correspond to any known word in ta' tlhIngan Hol,
> but I'd still be interested in learning the context in which it was used.
> Anybody know?

I found two possibilities in my notes:

*{SIy'loH}??  *seloh*,  sex (the act) STE [Pronounced /SEE-low/.
  Apparently appears in the script of TNG "Sins of the Father", but not on screen. 

{toDSaH}  *tohzah* STE (epithet) 
  First used in TNG "The Defector", where it was pronounced /to-ZAH/. 
  "This is something one Klingon would call another if they weren't on the best of terms." (CK)
  "Insult with no direct translation." (DI)
 - Defecting Romulan General Alidar Jarok sees Worf in Enterprise's sick bay and asks Riker, "Tell me, how do you allow this Klingon *pahtk* to walk around in a Starfleet uniform?" Worf grunts something threatening and Jarok replies, "Get this *tohzah* out of my sight!" Riker smugly comments that "only a *veruul*" would say that, thus trumping Jarok's knowledge of Klingon curses with his own knowledge of Romulan. (TNG "The Defector")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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