[Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sun Jun 17 08:25:45 PDT 2012

At 09:18 '?????' 6/17/2012, you wrote:
>>The biggest change I can think of was when a word we'd never seen
>>before got edited out because the meaning was conveyed perfectly
>>using already known vocabulary. The word did appear elsewhere in the
>>text with more nuanced meaning, and it turned out to be a perfect
>>answer to another ambiguity we pointed out, so we didn't feel guilty
>>about removing its first appearance.
>You deleted a totally new *synonym*?! Poor Voragh.

It was {ngIq}.  It was used in a few places, and we recognized it as 
having a meaning something to do with individual, taken one at a 
time, ("unique" qawmoH) but in one place we couldn't figure out what 
it was doing that Hoch didn't do. We asked Marc. He said something to 
the effect of "if Hoch works there, put that."  And so we did.

- Qov 

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