[Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

David Trimboli david at trimboli.name
Sat Jun 16 19:46:35 PDT 2012

On 6/16/2012 9:36 PM, Qov wrote:
> At 19:16 '?????' 6/16/2012, ghunchu'wI' 'utlh wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2012, at 12:10 PM, "De'vID" <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > What would be a counterexample to his (and my) interpretation of the
>> sentence from TKD p.40 about the meaning of a verb when a Type 7
>> suffix is absent is an instance from canon of a verb expressing a
>> perfective or continuous aspect but which does not have the
>> corresponding suffix. And I don't think there's any such example from
>> canon.
>> I can think of one immediately: {nughoS jagh} from the Conversational
>> Klingon battle vignette.
> That's a good one, but being in battle it could arguably be said to be
> clipped.

Maybe, but why keep the prefix? That's usually the first to go.

>> (The abundant paq'batlh examples are apparently tainted by having been
>> read before publication by a group that did not include SuStel, so I
>> won't detail them here.)
> yIvaqQo'.

roD muvaq ghaH, vIHon 'e' vIngIlmo'. ghu'vam vISIQ 'e' vIghojchoH. 
jIQubqu'vIpbe'mo' jIHem.

> But let it be asked: does anyone recall deleting or changing
> aspect suffixes as we worked?  As I said before, I don't remember doing it.

But we do know that Okrand himself didn't write the whole thing, or 
which parts he did write, correct? And whether or not he did, we know 
that non-Klingons changed the text to correct its errors, meaning that 
whatever the result it cannot be considered demonstrative of perfect 
grammar. (If a child in school is a lousy speller, should another child 
who's also a lousy speller correct the first child's work, then insist 
that the class follow the first child's work as the correct way to spell?)

It has nothing to do with whether I was involved or not.

> I think it's telling that the people who are most influenced by this
> idea are the ones who speak or have studied another language that uses
> perfective aspect. DaQtIq, bISaHtaH'a'?

ben law' Do'Ha' maHvo' mejlaw'pu' DaQtIq.


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