[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yoq

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 11 06:38:26 PDT 2012

> Klingon word:   yoq
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition:     humanoid

As used in a sentence:

yoq yIn yuQ 'oH Qo'noS'e'. yInSIp voQSIp je ngaS muDDaj. 
Qo'noS is a class-M planet with an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. S27

"Humanoids" chez Okrand:

KGT 63:  These words, {DeS} and {ghIt}, when referring to humanoid anatomy, mean arm and open, flat hand (as opposed to a fist), respectively

KGT 132:  Another set of similes link humanoid species of various kinds to certain qualities:  {matlhHa'; romuluSngan rur} (disloyal as a Romulan), {qur; verengan rur} (greedy as a Ferengi), {wIH; Hur'Iqngan rur} (ruthless as a Hur'q), {Hoj; tera'ngan rur} (cautious as a Terran), {Hem; tlhIngan rur} (proud as a Klingon), {nong; vulqangan rur} (passionate as a Vulcan)

KGT 153:  the Hur'q, a race of humanoids from the Gamma Quadrant

"Humanoids" chez Trek:

"Millions of years ago we were humanoid like yourselves." 
 (Ayelborne, TOS "Errand of Mercy")

"The mere presence of beings like yourselves is intensely painful to us."
 (unidentified Organian, TOS "Errand of Mercy")

Related words:

Dep 		being (nonhumanoid)
HoSDo' 	energy being
ghot 	person
nuv 		person
yagh 	organism
Segh 	race

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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