[Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Sat Jun 9 08:51:26 PDT 2012

At 07:43 '?????' 6/9/2012, André Müller wrote:
>Similarly, the Perfective aspect in Russian 
>works differently from the Perfective aspect 
>marker (了) in Chinese, although both encompass 
>the global definition of "perfective aspect". 
>It's now quite common to make this distinction 
>between capitalized and non-capitalized terms, 
>but not everyone does that. And it might not 
>have been as wide-spread decades ago when the TKD was written.

I was studying Russian in university while TKD 
was being written and never encountered the 
capitalized form in my many battles with 
perfective and imperfective verbs. In Russian, 
mastery of when to use each is often cited as 
something that an adult learner of the language 
will never achieve, so subtle and complex is the 
distinction, so I really don't have a problem 
with it being a bone of contention in Klingon.

- Qov 

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