[Tlhingan-hol] Lament (Re: A demonstration of aspect we can all follow)

Terrence Donnelly terrence.donnelly at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 7 13:08:49 PDT 2012

--- On Thu, 6/7/12, David Trimboli and many others wrote:
>lots of stuff

You know what this list is now? A starving man in a locked room.  He's long past the stage of having any food to eat or even any body fat to burn, and now he's burning his own muscle. We have relatively little new Klingon to study (that we can totally trust), and as a result, we keep going back to the texts we do have and picking them apart. As I commented a while back during the debate about what {-Daq} really means (or maybe it was {ghaj}), if we work hard enough, we can make this language totally unusable. If anybody wonders why more newbies don't post here, I'd say that this constant tendency to rethink long-established patterns, this "everything you know is wrong" mindset, goes a long way towards explaining it.

I'm pretty much done with Klingon, and the way a once-firm concensus about how it operates has been eroded in the last few years is a large part of the reason why.

-- ter'eS

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