[Tlhingan-hol] Time and Type 7 verb suffixes

David Trimboli david at trimboli.name
Thu Jun 7 09:54:58 PDT 2012

On 6/7/2012 11:54 AM, lojmIt tI'wI'nuv wrote:
> I'm not going to quote TKD. Just read it. I did. I looked for
> evidence to support your argument. I couldn't find any. I'm open to
> your pointing out something that I missed.

Gee whiz, I didn't think to actually *read* the book that I've been 
quoting over and over! What a good idea!

Since I'm quoting the evidence and you still can't find it, I don't see 
any reason to continue to try to convince you. You don't want to even 
examine the evidence.

> {wa'Hu' 'uQ vISop.}
> I don't believe that is a grammatical error, even though it describes
> a single event that occurred in its entirety during the time span of
> the time stamp. I honestly believe you are the only person in the
> Universe who might claim that it is an error because it lacks
> {-pu'}.

It is not an error. It just doesn't mean exactly what you think it 
means. It means that eating dinner was happening at some time yesterday. 
It would not be used to tell a story like "Yesterday I sat at the table, 
ate dinner, and then got up." That story would require perfective 
suffixes on its verbs. But it could be used, say, to confirm that you 
didn't skip a meal yesterday.

You do not understand what "perfective" means, so you choose to ignore 
it. You also don't don't seem to understand the difference between 
objective reality and language expressing from a viewpoint. You 
continually demonstrate that you can't predict what sentences I will 
accept or reject. I can't think of anything else I can say to improve 
your understanding of these things.


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