[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: luHwI' tIH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 31 07:21:15 PDT 2012

> Klingon word:   luHwI' tIH
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition:     tractor beam

"A focused linear graviton force beam used to physically manipulate objects across short distances. Tractor beams were used by Federation starships and other space vehicles as a means of towing other vessels. Tractor beams were also used to provide short-range guidance for approaching or departing shuttlecraft." (_Star Trek Encyclopedia_, p.348)
Lieven reported that at the 9th {qepHom'a'} in Saarbrücken:

  There was a question about whether *{tlhaptIH} was a
  good way to say "tractor beam." Maltz said he'd never
  heard that before, but he has heard {luHwI' tIH}.
   [MO's email to Lieven of 11/15/2010]

There's a waist-high (possibly pivoting) tractor beam emitter on the Enterprise-D shuttle deck used for moving shuttlecraft around, especially when powered down.  A similar looking device on the BOP Poster is labeled {tepqengwI'} "cargo lift".

Klingon tractor beams in Trek:

Vorok's battlecruiser was equipped with a tractor beam. (ENT "Unexpected")

A Klingon BoP uses a tractor beam on an Augment transport shuttle. (ENT "Borderland")

The BoP IKS M'Char locks on to the Xhosa (Kasidy Yates' freighter) with a tractor beam in order to search it. (DS9 "Way of the Warrior")

A Klingon BoP under the command of K'Temang locks on to the Cardassian military freighter Groumall with a tractor beam. (DS9 "Return to Grace") 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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