[Tlhingan-hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'ep

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 23 06:33:47 PDT 2012

> Klingon word:   'ep
> Part of speech: verb
> Definition:     consume soup
AFAIK never used in a sentence.

KGT 99f.:  If the particular dish is somewhat soupy (a dish of this kind is termed a {chatlh}, roughly translated as "soup", though the amount of liquid is far less than what the Federation Standard term soup would suggest), it will arrive at the table in a large bowl ({maHpIn}) and a diner will pour [{qang}] its contents into a smaller bowl ({Duq}), from which he or she will consume it. Since this sort of dish is still primarily solid food as opposed to liquid, using the verb {tlhutlh} ("drink") to describe ingesting it is not quite right. There is another verb, {'ep}, which refers to eating food of this kind.

KGT 206:  For example, in both Klingon and Federation Standard, there is a verb for consume solid food (eat, {Sop}) and another for consume liquid (drink, {tlhutlh}). In Klingon, but not in Federation Standard, there is a third verb in this set, {'ep}, which refers to consuming soup or, more accurately, to consuming Klingon {chatlh}, which contains less liquid than the typical Terran soup. (It should be noted that although the Federation Standard verb "slurp" may well apply to how a Klingon consumes {chatlh}, it is not an accurate translation of {'ep}, since it refers to eating and drinking noisily, not to the consumption of soup in particular.)

Related verbs:
yIv 		chew
chop 	bite
ghup 	swallow
waH 		taste

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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