[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' cha'vatlh wejmaH jav: HIvmeH Duj So'lu'

Qov robyn at flyingstart.ca
Fri Jul 20 06:44:37 PDT 2012

vajar had just found qImyal's cloaked ship, and seen gharon grab Hota'ro'.

CONTENT: extreme bodily harm occurs, with blood and dismemberment.

236: HIvmeH Duj So'lu'

ravDaq Hota'ro' pummoHta' gharon. tonSaw' vaQ lo'mo' Hota'ro', nargh 
'ach HIchDal lojmIt bIng ravDaq QottaH Hota'ro' 'ej nom ghIrlI' 
lojmIt. muHbogh 'etlh rur lojmIt Do. lupHomvetlh chIch lojmIt bIngDaq 
Hota'ro' retlhDaq Sup gharon. 'uSDu'chaj leghlaH vajar. gharon tIn 
law' Hota'ro' tIn puS, vaj gharon qIppu' lojmIt, Hota'ro' 'uychoHpa'. 
lojmItvo' nargh Hota'ro'. HIchDal lojmIt yevmoH gharon porgh 'ach 
pe'vIl 'uylI' lojmIt. gharon 'IvtIH beQmoHchu'[284]. HIchDalDaq ratlh 
gharon 'uSDu', 'Iw je neH. ngaQ'eghta' HIchDal lojmIt. SoQchoH 'ej 
ngaQchoH je lupDujHom lojmIt. DaH Hur leghlaHbe' vajar.

chung qImyal Duj.

ghu' chov vajar. reghqu'be' 'uS rIQ 'ach pe'vIl meQpu' tIH. 'uS 
Qaw'be'pu'mo', ghaytan 'uS qIppu' tIH HeH neH. vajar qIv DungDaq loj 
yopwaH 'et. loj DIr law' 'ej Doqqu' ratlhbogh DIr. 'oy'qu' 'uS 'ej 
'oy'taH yaDDu'. qImyal HoHmeH vajar 'oy' SIQlaHbej, 'ach rIQmo' 
SuvlaHchu'be'. nISwI' HIch nuD vajar. HujHa'lu'bejpu'. taj'e' 
luSambe'pu'bogh qopwI'pu' lel. mach. tepDaq rIHwI', nuH nIv joq 
nejlI' vajar 'ach Sambe'. nISwI' ghajbej qImyal. QapmeH vajar, qImyal mernIS.

Hu' vajar. 'et QorwaghDaq veS Som leghlaH. 'oH retlhDaq SaHtaH Dugh 
pIgh.[292] yIt vajar 'e' nID. pujmo' 'uSDaj rIQ 'ej 
marlaHchu'be'mo'[293] Qutlh'eghlaHbe'. pumtaHvIS bong SIrghmey luH. 
lupDujHom So'wI' rarHa'pu' vajar.[291] <i>maj</i>. chaq Haw'law'lI' 
qImyal 'e' lutu'DI' veS meH beqpu', vajar Qu' luta'. HanDoghmey 
HutlhtaHvIS 'IHtaH Dugh. Dujvetlh choqmeH wanI'mey law' SIQpu' vajar. 
lutI'laHchu' Qo'noS jonwI'pu' 'e' tulqu'. HotlhwI' wabmey ghov vajar. 
Daj. meHHom HaSta leghlaHbe'mo' vajar, Doch nejlI'bogh pagh 
SamlI'bogh Sa' ngu'laHbe' vajar.
SKI: vajar assesses his situation while qImyal assesses something 
vajar can't identify.
[284] anyone able to read that without adding <... jay'>
[291] You'd think there'd be a cockpit alarm to indicate that the 
cloaking device was offline, but it seems that either the annunciator 
has failed, or qImyal isn't alertly monitoring her caution panel.
[292] You may recall that after a heated technical discussion they 
elected for safety and efficiency to remove the remaining nacelle and 
then transport *Vigilant* outside *Warfare*'s hull.
[293] What's not to love about a language that has a single word for 
"because he couldn't use his big toes properly"?
Please note that the next installment will be numbered 239, because I 
have renumbered all the chapters to make the inserted 21A and 21B fit 
properly. So you're not missing 237 and 238. Everything after 21 has 
moved up two numbers.

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